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Thank you for the audio file you sent over. It seems to me that Clarissa Newman must have been involved, at least partially, with the death of the Cassias, hence her murder. She was shot fatally in the head, with similar evidence - roses, the love letter - left behind as Bobby and Judith Cassias'. I would like to know Holly Cassia's thoughts on this victim's last moments and if there is anything else I should be aware of. We are doing everything we can to understand the motives and opportunities of anyone who could have killed Miss Newman, and I will arrange a time this week for myself, Holly Cassia and all of you Tyrels to share new information and ideas through a video call. Contact me with a suitable time, and I will get back to you. Thank you again for your help.

Email sent at 19.55, Wednesday, by Joseph Brunsley, head of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID)

Sent to Tyrel Trust - a private investigative agency that traces, identifies and solves felonies issued by the CriminalInvestigation Department (CID)

Received and read: Emerson Tyrel

Received and read: Edith Tyrel

Received and unread: Elias Tyrel

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