Voldemort's Task

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Y/n shifts in her seat

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Y/n shifts in her seat. Dumbledore stares at her for what seemed like ages. "Am I such a bad student?" Y/n blurts out in suspense, not knowing her purpose with Dumbledore. "On the contrary, you are one of my cleverest-" "I said bad, not stupid-" Y/n holds back her tongue. Her anger still not severed from recently. "Don't bother answering..." Y/n mumbles at his chuckle. (I know you have never liked me-) "You're wrong. I never thought of you, bad." Y/n flinches to Dumbledore's sly gaze. (Did he just- read my mind?) Y/n adverts her gaze to clear her thoughts. "You are alone then. Everybody else does... And they are right. I am... insufferable." "Y/n, I know how painful about the rumors of your father, Serius, must be for you-" Y/n turns away from his remorseful expression, as poison. "No... You don't. Not unless you had parents who died too." "Much like you, I too had a father sent to Askaban who died shortly after... and a mother who had the same fate." (At least you didn't kill any of them) Y/n doesn't like therapeutic conversations, or she just isn't quite used to someone caring enough to mention it. "In my case, it was my sister." Y/n internally grimaces regretfully at the voice inside her head. "I too think it was my fault of someone's death in my family. Because of me, my sister... died by this very wand." Dumbledore eyes sigh at his haunting memory, looking back at his Elder Wand on his desk. "I can't say for certain it was my spell- Doesn't really matter. One minute she was there... and the next... she was gone." Y/n's heart lurches at his empty gaze. "Did you love her?" "Not as well as I should have done." Dumbledore tries to hide his regret with his casual sigh. "Never too late to free yourself... Confession is a relief, I'm told, a great weight lifted... Regret... is my constant companion. Do not let it become yours." (If only you knew... it already has)

Dumbledore suddenly turns around after brief silence

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Dumbledore suddenly turns around after brief silence. Y/n looks to see what Dumbledore grabbed off his desk. The Elder Wand. "I want you to know that you are not alone..." Y/n looks at his sincerity. "Do you know the tale of the Deathly Hallows, Y/n?" Y/n nods slowly at his point. "Well then, I suppose you know what the Elder Wand was made from?" "From an elder tree" "Yes, the most powerful wand was fashioned from an old tree... by Death." Y/n slowly nods, not knowing what he meant. "Ironically... people will be forced to choose between life and death. Yet, some people will, as it seems... choose death for life... Do remember that when the time comes, Y/n." Y/n thinks of him bonkers. (Wait, how old is this guy?) Dumbledore smiles at her. "Thank you Dumbledore, I must be going now..." "Yes, yes..." Dumbledore nods as he puts his wand back on his desk as Y/n eyes it. Dumbledore suddenly turns to look at her adverted gaze. "Oh, Miss Black- I almost forgot... do take the Stone Bridge back..." Y/n stares in confusion, yet soon nods. (Why not the Suspension Bridge? That's the fastest way to Professor Lockhart.)

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