Chapter 5

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"Hey, Guys!", greeted Daisy. Luigi gasped and ran up to her. He looked her in the eyes and she did the same. As Luigi was aboit to say something, he got cut off by Daisy hugging him tightly.

"I missed you, you dummy...", she mumbled. Luigi patted her back softly and answered: "I-I missed you too.."

They stopped hugging and Daisy started to focus on the Mushroom Kingdoms people.

"I heard about the war. The Mushroom Kingdom is currently unavailable to visit, so me and my parents have set up a room for everyone."

"Do you really think that so many people are gonna fit in one castle?", asked Peach.

"I think you forgot that I have more than just one castle. Sarasaland is really big.", answered Daisy. "Well, doesn't matter. Follow me, the castle isn't far."

Everyone followed Daisy to the castle.

Meanwhile, with Bowser:

"GWA HA HA HA HA!", laughed Bowser evil.

"Why are you laughing, dad?", asked Bowser Jr. confused.

"Ah nothing, son. It's just- I attacked the Mushroom Kingdom and now we're gonna head to Peach's castle!"

"Why are we doing this again?", asked Larry, bored.

"Are you STUPID?! We're kidnapping Peach, because I don't have much time for you! ", shouted Bowser annoyed.

"But our mom is gone and you don't have any time for us, cuz' you're too focussed on Peach..", said Lemmy with a hint of sadness in his goofy voice.

"Exacly! Peach'll never be our mom. ", agreed Bowser Jr.

"BUT I LOVE PEACH! AND THAT PESKY PLUMBER MARIO ALWAYS GETS BETWEEN US!", shouted Bowser angrily. "sigh.. Don't forget: I am the boss - only what I say goes."

"Yes, Bowser.", everyone said.


"How do you vant to stop the Mario brothers?", asked Ludwig from the last corner.

Bowser laughed. "You're gonna find out very soon.."

Back with Team Mario:

"When are we finally there, mom?..", asked a little Toad kid with a doll in his hand, exhausted from all the walking.

"Soon, my child.", answered the kid's mother.

"WE'RE HERE~!", shouted Daisy. "Make yourselves at home. Everything here is for free, just don't do any nonsense here!"

Mario, Luigi and Peach wanted to go with the Mushroom Kingdoms citizens, but got pulled away by Daisy. "You guys are coming with me!", she said.

"I think I'd rather go with my kingdom's people. I have to check on them if they're OK.", told Peach and pulled away from Daisy. "I'mma go with you!", said Mario and followed the Mushroom Kingdoms princess like a dog.

"Hmm... Okay, do that!", shouted Daisy after them.

Mario and Peach were going with the citizens of Mushroom Kingdom.

"Poor Mario.", mumbled Daisy under her breath. "W-Why?", asked Luigi confused.

"Oh... Well, it's just- Peach shows no interest in Mario at all. If Mario gets rejected, he's gonna be so broken." She stopped for a second. Shs spoke again: "I know how Mario is when he doesn't get what he wants. I've seen it, Luigi."

"W-What do you mean!?"

"He can never lose. He doesn't do it physically, but-..", Daisy said with much empathy in her voice.

"That's just how siblings are, heh.."

"No. I've had a sister-" On Daisy's face was a frown. She often did it when she was talking about her. "-and she was nothing like that..", Daisy mumbled the last part, but loud enough for Luigi to hear.

"...Azalea?", he asked. She nodded quietly. "She's doing fine, believe me.."

"I still miss her so damn much.."

A/N: So.. I thought about making multiple endings to this story:

a good ending
a neutral ending
and, of course, the bad ending.

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