VI. Divine Attributes

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Slowly yet surely, you were starting to feel comfortable in Teyvat.

Well, first off, there was no social media. Before you came here, you would start your day with a dose of Genshin edits and/or daily news, which stresses you out. The amount of negative energy that came with the internet made you numb, so the forceful break from modern society really heals your mind. Also, the way the internet works, you thought, made human interaction stray away from its true purpose. From sharing information to sharing misinformation. From spreading love and care to spreading hate and envy. Not to mention the toxicity from not just the old, but the young too. Left, Right, Up, Down, it's all the same.

You're also becoming more fit. Having convenience services like delivery food and online freelancing essentially made you stick at your cozy little apartment for who knows how long. Sure, you're not getting fat, but you're getting more pale and skinny. Added with that the litres upon litres of [Non-descript energy drink] that you chug into your body every day, and you could've sworn your heart jumped twenty beats.

Finally, the world's expectations. You were about to graduate a major that you didn't even care about. You studied for years only for the hope that you would be employed with a decent salary and to work until you've got enough money to retire. You only cared about the few friends you have, and the family that has been straying way beyond what you've known all this time.

That, and Genshin.

But now, being transported to a world that leads simple lives begs you the question;

"Why go back?"

"Why go back to a world of cold, a world of hate?"

"Why go back to a world where love is but a tool?"

"Why go back to a world where money is everything?"

"Why go back to a world where creativity and passion is rewarded less to homogeneity and oversaturation?"

"Hell, why go back to a world that will never remember you?"

"Why bother, at all?"

"You can do anything you want here! You are essentially a god!"

"You know everything that this world has to offer, and you can make sure to cash in that factor!"

"The gunpowder! The Hilichurls! You can have them as your army!"

"Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, Fontaine, Natlan, Snezhnaya! You can rule them all!"

"Why stop there, if you can influence the Gods?"

"Hell, try to get the Developer on your side!"

"Only then will you truly be someone great!"


You woke up to an irritated Crepus.

The clock strikes seven.

"What the hell were you dreaming, making you wake up late for practice? The Chivalry Exam is only a WEEK from now, you understand?!"

You were in a haze. Your head was swirling. You can feel your soul slowly drifting away.

"*Sigh* lad I don't know how I can better prepare you than to train your sorry arse up to speed. We still don't fully understand how your vision works. Even Venti couldn't figure it out..."

These thoughts, they're plaguing your mind. Just like with the Meat Tribe. You're getting disoriented.

"And that... thing, when you lashed out and sliced all of those Hilichurls, Archons I still don't believe that, we need to know how to properly use it. So, we must do what we do for now. Alright?"

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