Seize The Day

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                “Oh no!” Sophie Beck couldn’t drag her eyes from the gilt edged card that she held in her hand. “Oh no-no-no!” Why did the postman never bring good news?

Her best friend, housemate and general saviour Vincenza looked up from her book, “what?”

But Sophie was too busy pacing trying to control the nausea that threatened the safety of her breakfast to notice.

                ‘Dr and Mrs David Langley request your presence at the marriage of their daughter Melody to Mr Hugo Milton...’

The words blurred as she thought of all that meant. Attending the wedding of her beautiful yet rather controlling best friend from childhood, someone she hadn’t seen for years, and with the reunion came the a revisit with her best friend’s brother. Miles.

Vin was on her feet peering over Sophie’s shoulder as she’d had no response from her friend, “Langley? Is that your snobby school friend?” When Sophie nodded lamely, she added, “with the handsome big brother?”

Again she nodded, heat flushing her face as she remembered those days back in her teens when she’d relentlessly thrown herself at Miles, beautiful Miles. Spinning to face her friend Sophie groaned, “I can’t possibly go! I mean she’s a success, she was always beautiful, but now she’s a model, she’s marrying a rich heir, and he’ll be there. What have I got to brag about? I’m like a pauper, spinster...ARGH!”

                “What the hell are you two stressing over now!?”

They both turned to see Bill, or rather officially, William Swift, their landlord and best mate. The three had met in their first week of university and had been inseparable friends ever since. He ran a hand through his blonde floppy hair and groaned as he saw Sophie’s bleak face. “Oh no, please tell me they haven’t run out of Chablis at Asif’s corner shop? That took three days for you to recover last time!”

Sophie poked out her tongue, “no. This is a REAL problem!”

                “Though the lack of Chablis was a problem worthy of a United Nations Envoy!” Vincenza added supportively.

Sophie turned to her friend and smiled, appreciating her conspiratorial efforts, “damn right Vin. But no,” she turned back to Bill, “this is a real crisis. I’ve been invited to a wedding, you know the scenario, dominant bullying school friend, had the world at her feet, is now marrying Mr Hugo Milton, soon-to-be fourth largest landowner in the country when his father finally passes!”

Bill laughed, “and you as the weak, put-upon artist feel a failure?”

She nodded, “I’m sure you were a woman in a previous life Bill, I’ve never known a straight man be so in touch with his feminine side!”

Bill tossed his coat and briefcase on to the sofa, then kicked off his immaculate handmade shoes, “not at all Sophie, I have just lived with you two long enough to know exactly what you’re thinking! Hen pecked and emotionally scarred, that’s me!”

Vin jumped up from her seat in the window, “but so few men would recognise emotional scarring let alone admit to having it...are you sure you don’t bat for the other side? I mean there are all those tubs of Vaseline in the bathroom, and all that Lycra...” It was a ludicrous suggestion, Bill literally had the pick of women, he was charming, understanding, but completely against any commitment. Though having an amazing gift of the gab skill meant women walked away him feeling empowered, desired, and as though they were the ones who’d called the shots. He was a philanderer with scruples! And a highly successful one!

He threw a pillow across the room catching Vincenza unaware square on the back of the head, “watch it! I like to cycle Vin, you KNOW that! I take offence at your conclusions.” He didn’t like to cycle...he was a cycling addict, spending hours pacing the country roads outside of the City. It had started as an attempt to relax, but now it was a way of life. Their dining room was often filled with bikes and bike parts, as his ‘babies’ were too expensive to live in the shed or garage. Then there was the bike trainer, for days when the weather was too bleak for even Bill to cycle.

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