Chapter Fifteen

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A/N - an extra chapter as you're all so keen, and as a thank you for all the follows, votes and comments, I honestly have too many to respond to individually, but I appreciate every single one! Thanks!!

So here it is - Bill confronting Sophie!! :) Read at your peril! 

He knew her room number, so Bill had the element of surprise, he didn’t want to turn up there screaming and shouting, but he needed mental clarity, she was jeopardising him and all he wanted. A small voice tried to reason that she was exactly that...all that he wanted, but he ignored that. He wanted to cycle, he’d never be professional, so this was as good as it got. He had to see this through. Succeed or fail, he just needed to be there. Sophie Beck was threatening to ruin that.

Knocking the door he waited for a moment, but there was no answer. So he rapped again, louder this time. Still no answer. The bar and restaurant for the hotel were empty, he’d already checked that, so he knew she was inside. Was she viewing him through the spy hole?

He glanced at it, then rapped again. Sophie Beck. She invaded his thoughts again, his last vision of her was a rather elaborate good night kiss with that slug Miles Langley. He shuddered with revulsion, even if that sight hadn’t broken him in two, he’d be angry at her choice of man, he was that only by phenotype. In all other classifications he was some sort of primitive amoeba, and apparently he was the only one who saw that.

He was angry now, very angry, but at that moment the door swung open and there stood the most dishevelled, sexy, disorientated vision he’d ever seen. Sophie, in skimpy pj’s, ones he’d seen a million times, but today they only accentuated her voluptuous body, her full breasts stretched the fabric, and he could see her dark nipples, her long neck was a safer sight, but then her pillow wrinkled face, tired eyes puffy from sleep, and that full bottom lip snagged between her teeth nervously all endeared him, brought out that protective streak.

                “Have you been there long? I was dead to the world!”

Bill hated the way his body lurched the way it betrayed him with its desire for her. He had to remember his goal here.

                “I knocked twice. What are you doing here? I told you I was too busy for this!”

His anger and animosity caused her to take a step back, “I wanted to congratulate you, tell you we are so proud.”

He huffed impatiently, “I’ve been gone six days...”

She sighed, “you knew we were in Paris, Vincenza needed the break...”

He shook his head, “Huh! As if!  Don’t even try and make out that you bothered to tell me anything!”

                “I left you a note, it was impromptu!”

Laughing a hard sardonic sound he stepped back, “I don’t think so, but then when do I get told anything? I’m just the landlord!” He couldn’t hide his pain, he felt so betrayed by this woman on so many levels.

Why was this all going wrong? Sophie couldn’t believe that already there was animosity where there should be honesty at least, if not happiness. But all she could see was the flaring of Bill’s eyes as he glared at her.

                “I left you a note Bill, I‘m sorry if you didn’t see’ve never been ‘just a landlord’. I’m quite offended that you think that way!”

She made to close the door, but he’d wedged his foot in the frame blocking her, “Sophie I thought I knew you, I thought we were friends, but the last few weeks...” he shook his head. “I don’t know who you are anymore!”

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