Chapter Five

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He was stood at the front of the room, talking to a weak looking man he presumed was Milton, though it was quite obvious that he wasn’t the best man, there was another chinless wonder that seemed to fill that role. He watched this man observe the room, and he hated the lazy way he cast his eyes over everyone. Bill also knew the exact second that he spotted the very nervous Sophie, who was clinging to him desperately, from the way his eyes widened. The man wasn’t as much impressed by her, Bill could see as he was interested, very interested.

Guiding Sophie into a row of seats somewhere near the rear, he stooped his head to whisper in her ear. He knew that Miles was still watching.

                “He’s looking at you, and if you don’t smile and appear to be in love with me, I’ll stick my tongue in your ear!”

She spun her face to look at him, shock being replaced by humour, “really?”

Nodding he planted his lips on her cheek, and he spoke into her skin “appearances are everything Miss Beck, you know that.”

Giggling she stared into his eyes with what she hoped was a devoted expression, “it’s very easy to pretend you’re my everything when you’re being nice to me! Normally you tease me all day! I could get used to this!”

Wrapping an arm around her, pulling her into his body he laughed, “We’ll see about that.”

He maintained his contact with her as she discreetly pointed out the only people she knew in the room, another old school friend and two cousins of the bride. Bill knew at least three or four guys from his Eton days, but he chose to not tell her of that at the moment, London society was such a small place.

Finally Miles Langley had taken his seat in the front row, and his eyes off Sophie, so Bill relaxed, though he still held her hand possessively, it felt natural and she wasn’t resisting it.  The noise in the room of people chatting deafened out their conversation, but Bill was happy to observe the room and share the odd laugh at funny sights with Sophie.

Sophie felt very protected, her hand dwarfed by Bill’s large one, his frame sitting as a barrier between her and the rest of the room. She owed him big style, and for the first time she relaxed. At that very moment the whole of the room hushed to a silence, as the Wedding March struck up.

Everyone stood, and Bill pulled her close as they waited to see Melody appear and walk down the aisle. Sophie had never had dreams of a white wedding, she hadn’t spent her whole life planning it, and had no desire to be the centre of attention, and as Melody appeared, whilst she acknowledged she looked beautiful, for Sophie is was all very awkward and uncomfortable.

                 “This is why I’m never getting married!” she hissed at Bill.

He laughed then lowered his head to her ear, “don’t say that too loud! I’m here being the man trying to talk you into being my wife!”

Raising her eyebrows she smiled, “you are good Bill, I’ll give you that, but not even you are that good!”

Grinning he replied, “If this wasn’t an act, and if you weren’t my best mate, I’d make you regret that!”

With an angelic smile, she turned back to the procession of bride, father and eight bridesmaids.

Bill whispered witty comments about the service, the Langley’s, and the room as the service progressed, and Sophie sniggered along discreetly as she started to relax.

It was as elaborate and over the top as she’d imagined, not quite a Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, but not far off, Melody’s dress was huge and adorned with thousands of Swarovski crystals. It was too gaudy to be really elegant, and Sophie took a little pleasure in that fact. The bridesmaids in hot pink dresses were also like eight matching blancmanges.

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