Chapter Eleven

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Bill watched her go, frustration evident on every pore. Vincenza had told him about Sophie’s outburst in her attempts to fish for more information. One thing was clear; they couldn’t all go on living like this, tiptoeing around the big elephant that sat in their home. When Vin had told him about Sophie’s snappy comment, he’d taken that as a sign that she felt the same way as him, that there were as a chance to sort this out. He’d hoped that maybe it had been a sign that she was jealous, Vincenza had hinted that they’d presumed his disappearing act the last week was him sleeping with women. But the playboy life was over, he knew that. The thought of that now repulsed him.

He needed to speak to her, be honest...for the first time in his life. But she’d left before he’d had chance to speak. Ruing his lost chance, he shook his head, then headed upstairs to change into his cycling gear. Frustration might give him that extra kick, who knew?

                “Hi Sara!” Sophie constantly felt inadequate next to her brother’s wife. She was stunning, tall, and willowy with long blond hair that was almost immaculate. Today she was breathtaking in a floor length strappy sundress that despite it being late September didn’t look out of place.

                “Sophie! I’m so glad you came! Nick has just dived to the shop. He always panics that there’s not enough of everything whenever we have a party! Come in. Ethan will be ecstatic to see you.”

Sophie shook her head as she followed her sister-in-law into the house. Her brother panicked? She couldn’t believe that. He was the most compose and calmly collected man she’d ever known, and the thought of him rushing off in a flap made her chuckle.

Ethan was pleased to see her, but five year old Callie was more so.

                “Aunty Yophie!” Since a child she’d struggled to pronounce her name, and no one corrected her now. Sophie loved the pet name, and loved that she still used it.

Squatting down she accepted the little girl’s hug, standing with her still wrapped around her she smiled at Sara, “I don’t visit often enough!”

Sara smiled, “we’re all busy, and Callie will never forget you coming to her dance recital a few weeks back. That made her day!”

Sophie loved her niece and nephew, but avoided their home more than was necessary because of the scorn of her brother, he was very vocal in his disagreement over her life choices, a topic they rarely discussed and definitely never agreed on.

But for the moment, she was with people who loved her, and she was glad to be free from the house, and the stresses it brought. She’d managed to avoid Bill and Vincenza since the encounter earlier, which was easier as Bill was cycling as usual, Vin was out with Ed, so she could put on cheesy movies and vegetate alone.

Saying that, she couldn’t have avoided them any longer, so she was more than glad of this refuge.

Following the family into the kitchen, she dropped her niece onto a high stool, then at her insistence held her hand whilst she talked to Sara. Sara was a manager of a boutique, a small but exclusive shop that served the upper echelons of society. That week a few A-list celebs had called in, so she told Sophie all about it as she filled her a glass of wine.

Within half an hour Nick had returned, and several of their friends, and some of Sara’s family had arrived. Along with a clown! A man who entertained the children from the second he entered the house.

Sophie sat in the back of the room with her wine and some peanuts and happily watched the party unfold, trying desperately to ignore the fact that the man in makeup was a bit on the creepy side.  

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