Chapter Four

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They were staying at the Hall the evening after the wedding, but had to be there fairly early for the midday wedding. Sophie had barely slept the night before, and as she brought her bags downstairs she could barely focus for the nausea and anxiety overtaking her. Soon Bill’s charm and enthusiasm kicked in, and as they tried to pack Bill’s little sports car with overnight and suit bags, which wasn’t an easy feat, they were chuckling together. Vincenza in her fashion guru way had packed everything for Sophie, down to her makeup. As Bill slid into the driver’s seat he grinned.

                “Hassington Hall it is!” They both waved to Vin who stood in the doorway making a ‘call me’ gesture.

Bill had the roof down as is was a warm sunny late September morning, so to avoid a Bridget Jones moment, she covered her head in a scarf provided again by Vincenza, that coordinated perfectly with the pastel coloured floral blouse and pedal pushers that Vin had selected and assured her was exactly what the partner of a ‘Sir’ would wear, she felt like Doris Day as oppose to Kate Middleton, but Bill assured her whilst he rathered her own style, he felt she’d pass as a potential partner to his brother. And that was the level she was aiming for!

                “So we need a story!” Bill suggested as they hit the winding roads of the English countryside. “I mean if we’re dating people are bound to ask where we met etc.”

Turning to look at him suspiciously, she raised an eyebrow, “you’d swear you’ve done this before!”

He raised both hands in an ‘I’m innocent’ gesture before re-gripping the steering wheel. “I haven’t! But I’ve seen plenty of films...though in most of them you’d be paying me a few grand for this!” He gave an elaborate wink and she scowled.

                “Huh! You’re the expert! You decide.”

Glancing at her briefly he grinned then returned his eyes to the road, “Well, as you’re an artist and I’m a banker, work is out. Though maybe you knew my brother?”

                “Chances are the groom will know him! Why don’t we tell the truth there, we met at University?”

                “Good idea, but we lost contact until a year ago!” When she looked at him quizzically he added, “If you are as desirable as you look I’d have married you years ago wouldn’t I?”

She nodded, unable to control her humour,  “of course! You HAVE done this before! Ok, maybe you recognised a picture of mine at a gallery then came looking for me?”

                “Oh you romantic! That sounds good though, and you refuse to accept my marriage proposal until you’ve had your first major solo show.” He giggled, “Too worried about coping with my virility to give in to me fully until after that! Because let’s face it, a couple as glamorous and stunning as us...” He left the innuendo hanging in the air.

Laughing she had to thank him for this, there were so many other things he could be doing on a weekend.

But he belittled it, when she told him that, “That’s what friends are for!”

                “God I hate this place!” He groaned as he slowed the car to pull into the ornate driveway, stone gargoyles on either gate post almost warning them to turn around.

                “You never told me that about your father before.” She glanced across at his grim expression.

He shrugged, “at least I know there’s a reason why I don’t live up to the Swift expectations mate, I’m not too distraught. I hate him for taking it out on me, but it must be hell not knowing if your kid is yours...”

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