Chapter Thirteen

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As she watched Miles talk so animatedly - about himself, Sophie felt her plan spring into action. He was so cocky, so confident, and she was about to teach him a lesson. It was obvious he was trying to woo her, slowly wanting to talk her into his bed, and until now she’d been resistant. but with her change of plan had to come a change of attitude...but in a slow way, a way he believed was down to his rather off target chat up lines. It seemed that in the past talking about himself had wooed him many a woman. Some women were desperate that was obvious.

Leaning back in her chair, she listened to him, he was talking about celebrities he’d met in a party a few weeks earlier, and in particular a young American actress that was particularly enamoured with him - allegedly! Sophie took her foot off the gas and just sat back and listened. When he looked at her she smiled appropriately, and nodded where was necessary. She’d gone against his recommendation of steak and ordered lamb and it was delivered by the same googly-eyed waitress.

The wine was wonderful, belying the awful interior design of the building, and the lamb was equally as good. So she got lost in the pleasures of a good meal. When she glanced up, Miles was leaning back in his chair watching her with a bemused look on his face.

                “What?” she asked a little self conscious.

                “Nothing, just rare to see a woman eat so heartily!”

She fought off a blush, unable to decide if this was a deliberate dig, when she’d kissed him ten years ago she’d had more than her share of puppy fat, or whether he genuinely surprised at her enjoyment of food. She decided to go with the latter and quipped a response.

                “Good food is one of life’s luxuries and should be enjoyed in the manner it was cooked. Whole heartedly!”

His response was a chuckle, “I like that scenario, but if you look around the room you’ll see you’re the only woman who views their meal that way!”

She glanced to first one side, then the other and saw that he was right, every other woman in the room was picking rather ineffectively at their food. This place was all about being seen, and the type of people who got off on that couldn’t possibly eat a decent meal. She found the whole situation hilarious and knew that this was why Bill hated this world. Not for the first time she wished it was Bill sat across the table from her instead of Miles. But this was her perfect chance to bury her past once and for all.

So she turned back to Miles and smiled, “well aren’t you the lucky one!”

From his lounging position, he nodded, “aren’t I just?!”

After dinner they wandered to a nearby wine bar and he ordered champagne. As he filled two flutes in the security of a secluded booth Sophie couldn’t help remembering that the last champagne she’d drunk had been her celebration for winning her contract...moments before falling out with her two best friends. She wanted to scream, but instead she smiled again and sipped her drink.

                “I’ve had a great night.” Miles offered as he sat next to her in a taxi. He’d insisted on seeing her home, despite her protests.   Sophie wondered if part of that was him flaunting with danger, he knew that she lived with Bill...His motives were becoming more and more obvious as the evening wore on.

She nodded, “I have too...surprisingly.”

                “Can I see you again?”

She shook her head coyly, “I don’t think that’s a good idea Miles.” Looking up at him she could almost see his mind working.

                “Sophie, we’ve had fun...can’t we just go out to dinner again, Friday maybe?”

The taxi had pulled up at her house, and he’d rushed around to open her door, as she stood in front of him she was non committal, “I don’t think so Miles,” she nodded in the direction of the house, hinting that Bill was inside. She was starting to think that him thinking she was in a relationship was half the attraction.

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