Chapter 1

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Izuku felt a stinging to his cheek after his mother's hand had slapped him that echoed through the house. The slap was so hard that he stumbled and fell to his side. His mother was shorter than him as he was tall for an omega but her strength was strong and not like he could fight his dam, he was not very strong as he was practically starving in order to maintain a fit weight for an omega.

Stress hormones were released as he began trembling and whimpering, a shaky hand on his cheek to try and rub the pain away as tears formed in the corner of his eyes. His mother however released angry hormones with no remorse in her angry expression as though she was looking down at a pup that had shat on the rug. As his father looked down from the coffee table as he sat on the couch unbothered merely looking as though it was Izuku at fault and should be grateful that he did not do the punishment in his wife's place.

"You ungrateful brat! WE WAITED YEARS FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY FROM THIS ALPHA AND YOU WANT TO THROW IT ALL AWAY??!!" His dam yelled as he just laid there as he trembled tears being held back as his mother used the broom to his back.

This world was unfair. No one was created equal, omegas were rare but a male omega was rarer and harder to get as they were not always breedable. So his father had planned originally sent him to an omega house and ditch him but instead changed his mind, Izuku never knew why, but he was secretly thankful as his mother and father told him that they sold omegas to be breed and if he ever wanted to run away to go there he would have worse fate there.

At least here his safest place was his bedroom. Sure they had taken his freedom right after he graduated from the omega boarding school but it was not like he had any friends to hang out with.

Barely any omegas were at the school and those who were there were mostly flaunting their looks or not focusing on the class material as omegas did not really have to worry about getting a job.

Izuku mostly spent his days doing classes and hanging out in the library. He passed his classes and graduated with honors, he was even offered to go to a university! But his parents did not want their chance at making big bucks to leave. So here he was, stuck locked up in the house with people who only kept him alive for money...

"I-I just-its not for love, I do not know him-" Izuku flinched as his mother hit him again harder on the head before he used his arms to shield his face but with a broom before his father stepped in, but not for his own son's sake "Honey you'll bruise him."

That is what seems to break the plump womens rage as she gasps and inspects izuku but Iuzku knows it was just to make sure he would not have a scar.

"Oh my goddess." His mother said with no anger as she dropped the broom. "Sweetie let me see."

Izuku listened even though he knew what he saw was not true. His mother's worried expression was mainly for the alpha he was marrying , not wanting him to have a scar. As omegas were expected to be obedient, quiet, and know how to do house chores.

His mother used the same expression when his father took his figurines away and his mangas to make him read poems and took his favorite allmight pillow.

The sane expression when Izuku came home early after presenting as an omega and had to leave his friends. The same expression when they learned he was quirkless...

Izuku was always falling for that expression of guilt. But now seeing it again he felt angry, he wanted to yell, scream, and yet all he could do was let tears out. Silently as his mother gave him said she spoke softly to him.

"Izuku, this alpha will help us."
Help you get out of debt
"He will give you a nice home"
I'll be forced to give birth to pups
"He will spoil you."
He will treat me like a doll to use.

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