Chapter 5

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Kacchan huffed looking at Izuku with his usual scowl. Izuku remembers being on a younger Bakugou's face. Izuku remembers his scowl and how the alpha and him were close when toddlers, but the relationship got strained to the point the alpha would growl at him if he came too close or if he made the mistake to look at him.

"W-well you didn't change either..k-kacchan." Izuku said nervously with a wobbly smile looking down.

"You know Bakugou?" Kendo asked, surprised with widened eyes.

"Umm." Izuku did not know how to say it since well he just met up with him again, and he knew him but he hasn't seen him in a while, and Kacchan may not even like Deku any better than he did before!

"We both knew each other when we were snot nosed brats." Bakugou huffed standing next to Izuku making him tense up.

Izuku noticed Kacchan was handsome, yes, a pure example of a prime alpha. Izuku then remembered the day it happened, Kacchan presented and when he came to school everyone was talking about how it was amazon, he had the best quirk and was the top in his second gender, a good score.

However, when Izuku presented, no one was more disappointed. Talking about how he was a perfect omega, quirkless and needing to depend on an alpha. But with Izuku determined to be a hero everyone laughed at him...mocked him for believing.

Kacchan said hurtful words, but Izuku just..knew, he knew that the guy never had actual hatred for Izuku. But Izuku did not understand why the teen had been so hostile towards Izuku.

"So what are you doing with big hands?" Kacchan snapped Izuku out of his thoughts.

"Hay! Me and him were doing an omega and beta neighborhood meetup." Kendo huffed, crossing her arms while Kacchan ignored her.

"Tsk, so you are stuck in the same neighborhood as that copycat." Kacchan growled as Izuku did not really understand.

"It's a lovely neighborhood, and everyone was very nice." Izuku hummed. "So you're Prohero Dynamit?"

"Damn straight." Kacchan cackled. "Closer to being better than allmight."

Izuku nodded, smiling. Kacchan is the best at everything he sets his mind to. Izuku liked that about him.

"Heard from the hag you went to that fancy omega school." Kacchan scoffed, hardly surprising Izuku.

"Y-yeah, my mom thought it would be the ...safer option. B-but I will be able to be a hero some day! I'm taking some courses and I will be able to work in the hero assistance field!" Izuku said confidently.

"I'd like to see you try to make me better than I already am, Deku." kacchan growled, rummaging Izuku's curls gently, more gently than Izuku usually remembered.

"Kacchan!" Izuku whined, fixing his curls.

Kendo began talking to Kacchan about how he should have been for gentle with the criminal to avoid possible charges but Kacchan just grunted dismissing her and the two were taking the criminal to the car which Kendo had instructed him to stay put and to yell if anything happened while she and Kacchan were away, and he did he was standing there... before Izuku smelled a familiar scent, Monoma!

"Izuku!" Izuku turned to see that Monoma was there waving in his hero suit.

"Monoma!" Izuku smiled, waving back to his..fiance?

"I heard what happened," Monoma said out of breath, eyes scanning over Izuku. "Are you hurt you-you're alright?"

"I-I'm alright the proheros came just in time. Kendo is with k-Dynamite right now!" Izuku calmed Monoma right away.

"Oh, well I will make sure to thank them. For now are you sure you are alright?" Monoma repeated.

"I am fine." Izuku said softly, taking monomas hand. "No scratch I promise."

Monoma nodded before sighing. "I still have some more hours to do before getting out and then we can go out for dinner as planned."

Izuku smiled, he and Monoma were going out to eat? Izuku was craving something with pasta and with today's events he wanted cheesecake, chocolate cheesecake.

"Copycat." Izuku looked to his side to see if Kacchan was back but...his scowl looked more deep. And his eyes were glaring at Monoma with strong emotion. Izuku could not exactly pinpoint yet they seemed...familiar?

Monoma did something Izuku never saw before, his welcoming calm gentle face went into a frown and displeasure. "Bakugou."

"He helped catch the villain!" Kendo committed to sensing the tension. "My shift is already starting, Monoma yous should take him to-"

"I can take the nerd home." Kacchan popped in but Monoma put Izuku behind him gently.

"I can take my fiance home just fine, Bakugou." Monoma GROWLED. Surprising Izuku as he was led into the crowd and into the car. Once in the car Izuku was a bit sad at not being able to say goodbye to Kacchan but he just knew that the two clearly disliked each other.

The car ride was a bit awkward, Izuku still had Monomas hand held and Monoma was taking a moment to calm down.

" So you know him?" Monoma asked suddenly.

"Yeah when we were younger, I haven't seen him in a while, last time I did we didn't have..the best of relationship." Izuku said nervously.

Monoma laughed at that. "Yeah he sure has his ways of making friends."

Izuku nodded. "He seemed to be different from middle school, not as aggressive."

"What were you like in middle school?" Monoma hummed, smiling happily. "That's what I wanna know."

"Pretty boring, I mostly read on the liberty and tried to study for the UA entrance exams." Izuku said blushing. "I didn't have many friends and I was mostly alone... not many kids wanted to be near a kid who was quirkless."

"Ah same, everyone doesn't exactly think I was 'hero material' with my quirk." Monoma sighed.

Izuku smiled, "I would have been happy to befriend Neito if we went to the same middle school."

Monoma blushed a bit and sighed. "Of course you would, you're too nice like that."

Izuku huffed. "I am not too nice." Monoma teased him and Izuku could not help but think back to Kacchan.

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