Chapter 8

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"Thank you for helping me Kacchan." Izuku sighed as he put a box of pasta, he was going to make some chicken alfredo for dinner for another night, Izuku would be cooking nothing tonight since Monoma finally caved to get fast food tonight for Izuku to get the new Allmight toy from Wac Donalds.

"It's nothing." Kacchan said before picking up the pasta box to examine before putting it back. "Homemade pasta is the best."

Izuku tilted his head confused. "Don't they all taste the same?" Izuku asked before Kacchan looked at him as though he said something offensive.

Kacchan then pushed the cart and sighed. "Geezes deku, have you not watched my cooking channel?"

"You have a cooking channel?" Izuku hummed confused. Kacchan rolled his eyes and stopped walking to look at him.

"Every pro hero has a side gig, Creativity models, Uravity teaches Karate classes at that private school, and those other shitty bastards have some channel on MyTube and Tiktak." Kacchan said, rolling his eyes and waving his hand around dramatically as he eyed some veggies and put them into the cart.

Izuku never really went on youtube that much...he was even lucky to get out of parental lock to go watch any video that did not involve anything but what his parents allowed like cooking, knitting, etc.

Anything hero tagged was banned. Hell the figures he had been able to keep were good as gone as they were damaged due to one of his parents' rage in a verbal fight.

Izuku would have been happy to watch kanchana cooking videos, his parents were amazing cooks after all. It would be nice to see someone other than an older omega woman boringly tell him to obey his alpha and stay in the kitchen and should be a happy house wife or husband to help care for the pups.

"I'll send you a link later to subscribe to me." He said before pushing the cart.

"Okay!" Izuku hummed following along. He didn't mind Kacchan putting a lot of food in the cart, Monoma said to get anything he needed for groceries.

"How are your courses going anyways?" Kacchan murmured Izuku would have missed it by how low he was speaking.

"I'm top of my class!" Izuku bragged excitedly. "I've been keeping up on the assignments and the quizzes are easy thanks to the notes I've been doing!"

Kacchan listened to Izuku talk about his classes as well, mainly Kacchan shopping around for food and even asking Izuku some questions. It felt pretty nice but Izuku did feel like he was talking too much when they were at the cash register.

"Sorry for taking your ear off kacchan!" Izuku apologized, scratching the back of his neck.

"It's fine nerd, it's been a while since we talked." Kacchand hummed.

"$345?" The cashier said Izuku was pulling out his card but Kacchan beated him to it.

"Kacchan I could have paid for it!" Izuku said but kacchan shrugged.

"I'm a fine nerd." Kacchan said plainly as Izuku huffed. Not like he could argue, Kacchan is loaded enough to hardly make a dent considering how much Monoma is paid simply at the rank he is.

After that kacchan drove them home to help Izuku put away groceries. Kacchan was doing majority of it after he saw izuku putting veggies on the shelf not in the bottom drawer so izuku was deciding to just let him do it while izuku went cleaning the living room.

It was already clean but he was bored.

"Allright nerd I put everything away where do you wanna eat." kacchan grounded stretching.

"I can cook for you kacchan! I-" Izuku said but Kacchan shook his head.

"I ain't eating anything you cook till you try out my pasta recipe." Kacchan huffed, which Izuku didn't mind. He was definitely trying to challenge izuku which was nice.

"You can pick Kacchan, I would like to see where Kacchan likes most." Izuku said that Kacchn took a moment to think before smirking.

Of course izuku was not surprised; the place was not only fancy but also expensive looking. What did surprise him however was how Kacchan did not get them a private room, Monoma always used a private room to protect Izuku from possible properazzi.

 What did surprise him however was how Kacchan did not get them a private room, Monoma always used a private room to protect Izuku from possible properazzi

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Izuku ordered something random on the menu, too awkward to ask what anything ment since it sounded as though it was from some different place in France.

"This place is really nice, Kacchan." Izuku said happily, still a bit awkward, feeling a few glances at him.

Kacchan however hummed uncaringly. "Yeah, the food is pretty good unlike other places. To think they were making shit expensive, they would know how to properly season their food then make it look fancy."

Izuku agreed to that, last time when he had funshine at a restaurant it tasted pretty bland and the chicken was a tad bit dry.

"How are your parents doing by the way kacchan?" Izuku asked.

"The old hag and old man are on a trip for their anniversary. They're fine, always calling me morning and night and visiting me telling me to take a break and shit." Kacchan said sounding annoyed but izuku knows Kacchan appreciated their check in judging how Kacchans eyes softened.

"What about auntie and are they good?" Kacchan asked, drinking his glass.

"Ah...on a trip too they have been wanting to travel.." Izuku laughed off awkwardly.

"Is auntie going to come back in time to help you plan your wedding?" Kacchan said but his tone sounded...unsettled.

"Ah...I don't think so, I was looking for someone else to help me." Izuku hummed as their food arrived.

"I can." Kacchan said immediately which set off a red flag. Sure he was his childhood...friend? But he just knows that would make Monoma uncomfortable.

"No no! It's fine I can ask someone else Kacchan! You are a pro hero after all! Besides Monoma plans on properly proposing to me l-"

"Propose?" Kacchan said seemingly surprised.

"Yeah, he said he wanted to do it properly." Izuku hummed. There was silence as Izuku tried cutting his food, puzzled . He was unsure what to do so he looked up to see kacchan looking in the distance with a face of anger. Izuku was confused and a bit scared..

"Kacchan?" Izuku asked, confused.

"He treats you well?" Kacchan asked softly, making izuku tense a bit puzzled.

"...Yeah, Monoma treats me pretty well, K-" Izuku began but kacchan cutted him off.

"I can treat you better than a copycat can."

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