Chapter 3

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"With our weather aside for the week, we once again have Dynamite blasting himself through ranks as the number 2 pro hero. Coming in third would be Shoto as his father , Endeavor, who still stands as number one for the last decade. Last night the three with pro hero Pinky and her sidekick Red Riot were able to bring down a human traffic ring that saved 4 children and 6 adults as 30 men and women behind bars, bringing the 10 or possibly more victims home to their families-"

The tv was shut off with a sigh. Izuku nuzzled into his nest with a huff. He had been trying to get his mind occupied from the last month. Moving into a new home was stressful and not to mention how hard it was to adjust from a small room to a new one with extravagant funature.

Izuku was thankful Monoma was so kind and patient to deal with Izuku. He bought him clothes took him shopping for nests material and helped Izuku with his room set up. His clothes were comfy with him wearing a comfy white turtle neck shirt with brown pants.

Izuku was mostly cooped up at the huge house alone. It was beautiful quiet.

He hated the scilence, he hated to admit it, he missed his parents. Their yelling and hurtful words were painful but he missed them. He missed their smells despite their coldness to their own son.

He got off his bed to look out to the afternoon sky. He wanted Monoma to come home soon, Izuku felt like he could only depend on Monoma, until he was officially married and mated to Monoma he was stuck like this then soon he could hopefully live something more then this.

With nothing else to do he went to the downstairs kitchen to start on dinner.

He was making Potato patties with salad, and fried chicken, he started by taking out the chicken he left to marinate since yesterday before getting to potato's he peeled, chopped, boiled, smashed, and shaped to be flat and round. It was all completed to then finish the salad to place on the dinner table.

Just as he hanged up his apron the front door opened followed by a familiar I'm home.

"Monoma! I just finished setting the table." Izuku said, smiling warmly to his...fiancé?

"Ah you didn't have too, I could have taken us out for dinner, you've been cooped up in the house for a month because of safety reasons wouldn't you like some fresh air?" Monoma said taking off his coat and hanging it as Izuku took his breif case so he could remove his shoes.

Which he was not wrong, Monoma had wanted Izuku safe for a while till he got a phone and a proper bodyguard to take with him if he wanted to go see his friend and family.

But Izuku did not have freinds, or even family to see or hang with. His parents were probably spending the money they got and Izuku had not been out enough for a long time to know social cues.

But if it meant going with Monoma the only person he knows and could trust he is willing to go out but by himself? He gets to anxious to. But he would need to work on it in order for him to be able to make smile.

He can't be a hero but he can be an officer, or a sidekick if Monoma agrees to let him work by his side. An omega working with anyone but their mate was dangerous and especially if not properly marked could risk an omega being commanded by a diffrent alpha a possible villain.

So Izuku was willing to wait for his marriage to be official. Monoma mating him will have to be a sacrifice he is willing to take. Though he is still not fully on board....

His last heat went better then ever, but not exactly great. Monoma repeated his boundaries and was a real gentleman, nothing like how Izuku thought before.

"Fresh air sounds nice but I feel more safe here..." Izuku sighed as he and Monoma sat at the table. "I will need to work more on that in order to be more social..but I would need to take some easy steps first to get used to being around people."

"Easy steps." Monoma agreed. "Let's try bringing an omega from my pack to see you, that way you can take baby steps while getting to familiarize with my pack."

Izuku had heard of packs, but his father and mother were not really the type to join a pack when they both could use the money selfishly then divid the money to the packmembers who helped care for the pup.

It would be nice to meet people, it has been very long.

"If you're alright with it I can do it." Izuku said shyly as Monoma smiled with a small laugh.

"Of course! You are my husband, she is very sweet and we both went to UA. She kept me in check when I got overboard, she was our older sister of the class." Monoma chuckled as he ate a potato patty humming in content.

Izuku nodded along smiling. A small ball of axiety in his belly was there but not as much as before.

"How was work?" Izuku asked biting into his potato patty. "I saw on the news about you stopping a robbery."

Monoma sighed. "Yeah, but i did not get much popularity like pero hero Dynamite. That guy and his team got a lot off popularity for finding that human trafficking ring. What I did is in the the shadow of what they did. For good reason though so I can't be too mad."

Izuku nodded. He understood it was hard to get up in ranks if you don't make the headlines, Monoma was within the top ten but not like Pro Hero Dynamight.

Izuku was a huge fan of the guy despite his arrogant attitude like those alphas he hated and feared.

"From the same school you went to?" Izuku asked eating a small tomato.

"Yeah," Monoma nodded. "That guy is an alpha prime, even in school he acted like he ran it. Todoroki who was an enigma was not even half as arrogant..."

"Ah is it true he and Gale Force had an argument?" Izuku asked, it was a big deal. Shoto known for being emotionless and nutrual slapping the other was a field day.

"Yeah, but it was a personal matter. Not my business." Monoma sighed and Izuku nodded. "Oh and I have someone coming soon, I brought you something, I'll give it to you after dinner."

"Another gift? You give me so much already I don't want to-" Izuku began but Monoma shook his head.

"It's alright, I have no issue giving you things and have enough money in doing so do not feel guilty, please. You'll love her." Monoma said smiling while Izuku tilted his head.

"Her?" Izuku asked as Monoma smiled.

"You always wanted a pet right?" Monoma said with a smile

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