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Your gaze dropped to the ground, now completely alone. No... Your mind was racing, unable to process what just happened. Not again... Your hands began to crack until they joined the piles of ashes on the floor.


"N/N! N/N! Wake up!"

You groaned at the heavy lump that had just thrown itself at your stomach. "Morgan, I was sleeping," you strained, trying to lift the toddler off of you. She was amazing, of course, but sometimes she made you wish you'd insisted on staying at the compound.

Five years had passed since you lost everything. Lucky for you, Tony and Pepper were there to pick up the pieces, or at least as much as they could. They, of course, had to spend most of their time on their four-year-old daughter, Morgan - a girl with brown hair, brown eyes, and a round face, practically an exact replica of her father. You didn't mind; you quite liked being the older sibling figure. Plus, she could be amusing at times, like when she'd steal Tony's gadgets and sprint around the house as he chased after her.

"Mommy says it's breakfast time," Morgan said, still refusing to climb off your body.

"Okay, just- tell Mommy I'm on my way."

"Okay." The girl giggled before finally jumping down from the bed and running out the door.

You smiled slightly as you pushed yourself into a seating position, watching the four-year-old stumble when pushing the door out of her way. After a few more minutes of waking up, you slowly stood up and sauntered toward the door Morgan had left wide open. You assured it was closed before getting dressed into something more presentable- well, presentable enough for the Starks. The bar wasn't set very high, considering Tony's incapability of getting up before noon by himself.

Once finished, you followed Morgan's footsteps out of your door, yawning the remnants of your weariness away. You made your way toward the stairs, the scent of freshly cooked pancakes blessing your nose. Here, your bedroom may not have been that long of a walk away from the living area, but the wooden walls were thick; you could only hear the voices that wanted to be heard.

"Morgan, did they say how long they were gonna be, exactly?"

But the stairs were the best vantage point. You were in perfect hearing distance of downstairs and anywhere upstairs with the door open. It was your favorite place in the house. You'd find yourself sitting at the bottom of the stairs regularly, especially when Tony was brainstorming. His small mumbles and whirring cogs were the perfect background noise for your doodles, and your doodles were the perfect inspiration for his inventions. On the occasion, Morgan would join you and insist you drew some sort of animal - which, you'd found, generally happened to be a puppy. You didn't mind. After all, it was good practice. You needed to learn as much as you could about this Earth. You could be stranded here for the rest of eternity.

"Ah! How many times do I have to- Not the tail!"

One left and your destination was in sight. Nebula was helping Pepper make and serve breakfast, while Rocket was climbing on every piece of furniture he could get his paws on, trying to escape from Morgan's evil toddler wrath. The two had rooms back at the compound - you all did - but when Pepper and Tony took you in five years ago, they chose to stay with you. It all started with a couple of short visits a week, to an overnight stay or two, to practically living here.

"Oh. Speak of the devil." Pepper smiled at you from behind the counter, pouring a few glasses of juice.

Alerted by Pepper's words, Nebula turned away from the pancake mixture she was frying, her eyes landing on you lingering in the doorway. "Good morning, Y/N. How'd you sleep?"

my guardian angel | peter parker x gn!readerWhere stories live. Discover now