Chapter 1

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(Heres a drawing I'm actually proud of for once! Kinda surprised the eyes aren't weird tho)

Geno.  Geno CQ.  That's my name. 

Now that we have the basics out of the way, I can formally tell you my situation. I'm a pirate. Cool huh? My job is to be a look out of sorts up in the crow's nest. Weird name, I know, but it's fun! As long as you don't get sea sick like Horror did. It was pretty funny to watch though, especially from up here.
So let me introduce you to everyone.
Cross.  He is our captain, but insists we just call him Cross.  It's now an on going joke that everyone knows about (except him) to call Cross Captain just because.  He's determined like myself, but has a strange childish nature, he enjoys chocolate and he's an over all great leader, somehow finding a way to raid villages without hurting anyone. 

Next is Blue.  He's an energetic ball of energy.  I'm very close to him, especially because he reminds me of my brother.  He's innocent (but I think everyone knows what he's capable of.  Once, he beat Killer in a drinking competition, which shocked everyone.  It was actually kinda scary how he was still sober.  He might as well have been drinking apple juice!), acts naive (no one knows how much of its real.), and is always up for adventure.  He gets along with everyone and cooks with Horror. 

Speaking of Horror, he's next!  I don't know him too well, all I know is that he gets judged a lot, but he's an absolute softy on the inside.  Him and Blue are the only ones that know how to cook.  He also is unreasonably strong, and has a pet axe.  Britney or something like that.  He has a hole in his skull and at one point had some problems with food.  He cares a lot for everyone though.  Especially for Cross and Blue. 

Killer.  Killer is next.  Let's just put it this way.  He's not my favorite.  He mainly is just a crew member, but is rather flirty and likes to pull pranks.  In fact, he and epic came up with the whole 'calling Cross captain' thing. Not all of his pranks are bad such as that one, but some of them... are not very pleasant. However, he's always the first one to lighten the mood when things get down, and despite having hate permanently dripping from his sockets, he's over-all pretty chill when you get used to him.

As I mentioned there's Epic. He always picks out the fastest routes to wherever we're going, and's pretty much the map. And yes. We have caught him on multiple occasions singing "I'm the map." He isn't always on the ship. Sometimes he hangs around a village before we raid it. He finds a lot of things in his free time though. He says 'bruh' a lot and is pretty chill. He was also Cross' first mate. Lucky him eh?

Lastly is Ink. Ink is like our medic, and crew member. Me and him can both do healing magic and fight, so we take turns going out on raids and healing. He's a little better at fighting than me while I'm better at healing, so it's pretty evenly balanced. When we aren't on shore, he's in the medbay, and I'm the watcher. Sure, it makes no sense since I'm blind it one eye. But it helps in a way too.
Ink is very emotional sometimes. (Yes he has a soul you angsty readers.) and loves to draw. He's really good at it too! Ink is also really outgoing. He has pretty good wavelengths with Blue. When we aren't working, the deck is usually covered in paint. Cross even let Ink draw on the ship! He says it makes our ship look original. I totally agree.

I am now taking look out in the crow's nest. Everyone calls me 'birb' and it's getting annoying. What's a 'birb?!' Unless they're pronouncing bird wrong. Eh... probably. I try not to care too much.

I breath in the salty air of dawn. It's nice and crisp. Seagulls fly around the ship squalling like there's no tomorrow. I sigh at the familiar observations. Home sweet crow's nest. I look over the horizon keeping careful watch of our surroundings, and checking the air pressure every so often.

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