I killed 17 men- Magik (Illyana Rasputin)

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For as well-balanced as her brother was many would consider Illyana Rasputin to be insane or even demonic. The latter probably wasn't too far from the truth if she was honest. It fascinated her how so much blood could spray from an artery less than a centimeter in diameter.
The bullets that poured from the first guard's gun were irrelevant to her, her sword felt light and trivial while it sliced through his chest cleanly, collecting the guard that had run to assist him as well. The calm of the battle created maniacal tendencies for Illyana, she couldn't think of the three guards she killed moments after each other, but she could think of the patient she spent a passionate night with three months ago. She didn't think of how bones felt like butter when she had the image of his hands in her hair and a look of pleasure on his face, she sliced a man clean in half with a smile on her face. She created a blue-rimmed portal above several guards and dropped onto them dropping them in one foul stroke. The gesture brought on memories of her hand grabbing for purchase in a shower stall while his covered hers and her vision blurred. She didn't always think of sex, sometimes she thought of her brother or her family sometimes she thought of other battles or whatever her mind could muster at the moment. Illyana brought the gigantic sword down to the ground and watched as five men disappeared into the depths. Three last men guarded the exit door of the institution. She sheathed her sword and cracked her knuckles before jumping at the guards she kicked one in the face in mid-air then again when hitting the linoleum floor. The other two were simple, swinging off one and snapping both their necks, and all Illyana thought of was throwing head back against a pillow as she was ploughed like a field and he ruthlessly tugged on her hair.

Word count: 340

I think Illyana is the type of killer who cant focus on killing and has really bad nightmares about killing after she does it but just acts like she enjoys it, y'know? Maybe im insane too.

Comment if you want me to write something specific🫡!

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