Second Chance

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I was taken back to my house. My ears hear nothing but silence. I laid there staring at the celling. The memories of me and Viktor flowed into my mind. His funeral was in two days and in those two days something had to be dealt with.
"Are you sure you want to go there?" Tino asked.
I nodded yes putting my jacket on. We drove to the prison. My grandmother won't make it to trial. The door buzzed then opened. I slipped the guard something and he left.
"I'm surprised you came to see me, you here to wish me off," she said laughing.
"Yeah you could say that," I said sitting in front of her.
"You know how I was suppose to originally die. Yeah you see I don't miss targets and no one gets in my way," I said putting my gun down on the table.
"This is Revenge and she will be sending you to the afterlife," I said smiling.
"You wouldn't not here," she said, her face turning white.
"Yeah I will," I said smiling. She tried to reach for  the gun but was to slow. I picked the gun and pointed it at her head. I waved her goodbye and shot her in her head. I walked out leaving a note that traitors don't live. Aria opened the door for me and we drove off. That didn't fix anything, that just laid his murderer to rest. I still felt empty. The funeral arrived fast. I put on the dress he gave me for his mother funeral. I didn't say nothing, didn't cry. I just watched. When it came to seeing him, I gave him a simple kiss on the cheek. He looked so lifeless...
I didn't stay for the burial. I went right back to work. Van was locked away in his room so I had to work harder. He has lost his wife and son in a year. I know that takes a toll on him.  There was a knock on the door and it opened.
"Ma'am it's 10 it's time for closing," Aria said.
"I think I'll work overtime, you can go ahead and leave," I said going back to work.
"Ma'am I think I'm gonna take you somewhere. You have no choice," Aria stated.
I raised an eyebrow at her and she walked over and grabbed my wrist. She forced me in the car and drove. We sat in silence during the ride. When she pulled up to the beach my heart
tightened. I looked at her and she looked away. I got out and walked onto the beach. The cool sand beneath my feet. I then sat down and just stared into the ocean. This is where he first took me when we started dating. Tears ran down my face but not of sadness but happiness. I hope he's watching over me and don't blame hisself for what he did. I felt my shoulder being gripped and turned my head. Nobody was there, but I felt like it was Viktor. I got back in the car and told her to drive me home.
"Ahhhh take it out," I screamed.
"One more push"
"You can do this Val"
"Wahh wahh"
"She's beautiful"
They handed me her, my baby. I started to cry tears of joy. The took her to clean her up and she was brought back.
"What are you going to name her," Tino asked.
"Viktoria," I said smiling.
"That's a wonderful name," Aria said.
"Wahh Wahh"
"Oh my god," I groaned.
"What is the matter V," I said.
This mom life is not what I intended it to be. She cries,eat, poops, and repeats. No one will let me work as I just gave birth but if I don't work it will drive me insane.
"Aria, since you are here get her," I said rolling over.
"Fine," she said getting out my bed.
"What's the matter baby V," Aria said in a baby voice.
She stopped crying.
"How comes she likes you more then me?" I asked getting out of bed as well.
"That's not true Val," Aria said kissing me on the cheek.
Well yeah I've turned to woman. I can't stay depressed forever. Tino reminded me multiple times that his niece needs to arrived safely. Me and Aria have been going on for 3 months now.
I love how she dominates me. I got dressed for the day as we were taking V over to her uncle Tino house. While Aria rocked V back to sleep I got dress, it didn't take long as Aria came in behind me 5 minutes later.
"You look good for a mom," Aria said hugging me from behind.
"You look good for behind older then me," I said turning around.
She picked me up and sat me down on the counter.
"I'm only 28," She said.
She kissed my neck, pulling my hair back.
She then bit my neck and left a mark.
"Aria what did I tell you about leaving marks," I said turning around looking in the mirror.
"I like people to know what's mine," she said grabbing my ass and walking away.
Sometimes I wonder if she is a different person then the one working for me. I got dressed and dress V up. She looked so cute. Her black hair and green eyes. I thank god everyday for a beautiful baby. We got in the car and drove towards my brother apartment. We got there and dropped Viktoria off. We soon left after talking, Aria was taking me on vacation so Tino volunteered to babysit. We leave tomorrow and she's taking me out tonight. We went back to the house to get dress. For me just giving birth I still looked good. I put on my makeup with red lipstick. I put my hair up in a claw clip and put on a tight red dress. I put on my black red bottoms and grabbed my black pocket purse. Aria was in a black suit with black red bottoms as well. Her hair was in a bun. We went out to eat on the beach. It was nice. But when we got home it got better. I was tipsy so she Carried me inside. She took my shoes off and sat me on the couch.
"Where are you going," I mumbled.
"Nowhere," she said sitting down beside me.
"We not gonna do it," I asked.
"Do what," she replied smirking.
I climbed on top of her and leaned towards her ear.
"You want me to show you," I said breathing into her ear.
She lifted me up and pulled my hair back. She bit my neck and I grinded on her lap.
She picked me up and went upstairs. She threw me on the bed and climbed on top of me. She unzipped my dress as it was zipped up in the front. She kissed my body up and down.
She slide her hand down my panties and stuck her fingers inside.
She was gentle and I liked that she was but I'm horny.
"Aria," I moaned.
She kissed my body up and looked me in my eyes. I grabbed her face and said "I want you to fuck me,"
She unhooked my bra and bit my nipple. She licked my nipples, pinching, and biting.
She shoved her fingers up my Pussy and was thrusting back and forth. She then put me on top of her. I kissed her neck but she grabbed my hair back and kissed me. She kissed me putting her tongue in and out. I put my hands in her panties while she took mine off. I fingered her while she ate my Pussy.
"Fuck me"
We laid there for a minute or so I thought till I woke up to the birds tweeting. I opened my eyes to see Aria not beside me. I didn't hear water running either in the bathroom. I looked at my phone and saw messages. My heart rate went down as I read them. She went out to pick us up some breakfast. I got dress and finished packing. She was taking me to Japan, my brother has been and he speaks wonderful things about it. It's winter there so I packed for chilly weather as it is cold here in Italy as well. My brother has been teaching me Japanese ever since I said I would like to visit.
"Front door"
"I'm home," I heard from downstairs.
I rushed downstairs to the smell of crepes. She sat the food down on the table and kissed my cheek. I ate while she finished packing. Our flight is at 3 pm it should be 1 am in japan. She brought our stuff down and put it into the taxi. We then got in the taxi. We soon arrived to the airport and boarded our airplane. Off to japan we go. And back we are a week later. I couldn't stay away from V for so long so I asked Aria to book tickets back home early. We board the airplane again this time back home. We went to pick up V first then headed home.
"You can come back to work," Tino said.
I jumped up and down happy. I couldn't stand not be so serious and cold. My first day back and it was hell. We had so much paperwork and people were slacking off real bad as I left. It was chaos. I pulled overtime all week. I barely saw V and Aria unless it was feeding time.
A knock was heard and I said " come in"
It was Simon he went on a mission for me.
"Here are the documents for how your parents were killed," he said giving them to me.
My energy shot back up, I snatched them from him and read them. My face dropped as I read those words. My parents death wasn't an accident. My grandmother covered it up as one.
"Are you okay?" He asked
"Yes I'm fine," I replied.
I sat at my desk in disbelief. I dismissed Simon and began researching. It was the same scenario with me except my mother died instead of my dad. My grandmother hated her power being taken as I an heir was produced among their making. Another knock was heard and Aria entered.
"It's feeding time," Aria said smiling.
I appreciate everything she's done for me and how's she's always been there for me. I kissed her on the cheek and took V from her. She did my work for me as I spent time with Viktoria.
"How does it feel to be back," She asked.
"It's changed," I groaned.
"I have to get everybody back on track," I said.
Red lights started flashing and the intruder alert began to ring. Aria quickly got up and took me and V in the back room. There we went downstairs. You could hear shooting in the distant.
"What's going on," Aria whispered to herself. We sat in the stairwell. Aria made calls requesting back up. V kept crying and soothing wasn't working. I shoved my boob in her mouth as a pacifier. We heard a door open in the distance. Aria took her gun out.
"I know your in here"
"I just need the heir"
A man crept down the stairs with his hands in the air. He smiled at me and Aria shot at his feet before he could get closer.
"Who do you work for," She asked.
It was silent no answer. He took his gun out and shot at her. I ran downstairs as Aria pushed me.
"Aria," I screamed.
"Run," she yelled.
I ran downstairs going into the underground garage.
"It's okay V," I said. I ran to the car and put her in her car seat. I heard a gun click behind my head.
"Step back"
I slowly turned around. It was an unfamiliar man. He spoke into an earpiece German. They dare betray me. As he stepped back i did as well, keeping an eye on V. When we were far enough I twisted his wrist. His gun went off barely kissing my eye.
I tripped him and put him in an arm lock.
"Say this to your leader," I said, breaking his arm.
I flicked the gun out his hand and ran towards it. I pointed it at him and shot him. My ears ringing I ran back to V. I got in the car and drove off. In my rear view mirror i saw a man in all black.

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