Valentina Bianchi of Italian

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Again, I'm stuck at the hospital covered in blood that's not mine. I stared into space as people asked me questions. How the people I loved just die around me. It was like a curse. Tino took me home and put me to bed. Chris was arriving the next day. He set flight as soon as he heard.

I woke up the next day to Viktoria crying, my door opened and she soon stopped. Aria I said turning over. No it was Chris who had been watching over me these last days. I apologized for mistaking him as Aria and got ready for the day. Chris and Tino took turns watching V as I worked. Everyday I visited Viktor's grave telling him of the day.

Its been a year since Aria death and Viktor's. Viktoria can walk and talk a bit. Tino got married and Christopher is now head of the French. Christopher is engaged and his fiancé pregnant. They are to be married tomorrow. Viktoria the flower girl. Me and Viktoria visited Viktor and Aria grave everyday. Viktoria would tell them she loved them and her day.

Viktoria has entered middle school now. I taught her the business and told her one day it will be her job to take over if she chose. I would never force her into this life. Christopher was assassinated, his wife took over. She didn't want his kids to go through such things. Tino moved to the USA and raised his kids there. It's just me and Viktoria. She has grown so much and a bright young woman.
"Mom was a dad a lover boy?" Viktoria asked.
"Umm he was," I answered, chopping up vegetables.
"We were always together, he never left me alone," I smiled.
"I want a lover boy," she mumbled.
I laughed and said " I'm sure he will send you one,".
Viktoria now has graduated middle school and has a boyfriend. She decided to not take over the business and I'm happy for her. Her boyfriend name is Vinal. Another V name in the family. I checked him out and he is from an ordinary family. She graduated with honors and already has some of her high school credits.

Prom is around the corner but Vinal can't attend due to his mother passing. Tino was in town and he took her. I took her to her grandparents grave and talked to her about them. I told her about us, our love. I'm sure you would be proud of her. She's more then I could ask for. Have a great day mi amor.

Viktoria graduated college and got engaged. She's a surgeon and built a house on the beach. Vinal has been taking good care of our girl. Aria she has your strength. She won her taekwondo competition. She has your love Viktor, so strong. I'm thinking of retiring. Tino son wants to take over. I'm getting too old for this now.

Viktoria is married and has 3 kids. Little Miay was born today, she's a fat one. She has your eyes Viktor. You guys have been gone for 30 years. I'll see you guys sooner or later. Tino son Erin has taken over. He's been doing good so far as he is still alive. I've found me a good friend Lona. She's been good to me and take cares of me.

I opened up a cafe, to do something in the meantime. We are now Global, everyone knows us. I can feel myself getting weaker. Death is approaching me I feel.

Viktoria been worrying me sick. She's always over checking on me. I told Miay our life story. She wants to be her own business woman when she grows up. Yeri went to study overseas, he's a smart one. I've decided to close business, no one will take care of it.

I'm in the hospital on my death bed. My lungs are collapsing on me. I'll see you soon Aria and Viktor. I'll see you soon mother and father. Tino keep living to the very end. Viktoria don't cry it's okay. The legend Valentina Bianchi of the Italian will live on in Viktoria Smirnov. She's grown up to be a fine woman. Here I come.

Rest in peace
Valentina Bianchi
She was a business woman but most of all a lover. She never loved a person as she loved her Viktor.
She held on to her family legacy to the very end
November 12 1972-April 18 2061

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