Coming Home

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Freya's P.O.V.

As soon as Aragorn had spoken those blessed words, my spirits rose. I was going home. It did cross my mind that it may be the last time. Things were getting serious. Not just the fighting and all that, but between Legolas and I. I would never be the same woman again. I had something else to fight for, a future, one worth loking forward to.

I knew that my father might not be around for much longer. Who knows? - He does like a fight. And as you know, we elves cannot die, except from in battle and from a broken heart. My mother - She died from war. Those are the two ways we can die. But the great day of our people will come soon. I can feel it. I do not know whether or not to stay behind. It is a big decision.

Prehaps Father will have some insight. He always knows what to do. We had been running for a bit, when to my sheer delight, we entered Lothlórien, a wood of silver trees. "Stay close, young hobbits. They say a great sorceress lives here, an elf-witch of terrible power. All those who look upon her, fall under her spell and are never seen again." Gimli said. I don't know whether he was trying to be funny or not, but I had to stuff my fist in my mouth to stop myself from howling with laughter.

"Do you suppose he means Galadriel? She's the only one I can think of that fits that poor description!" I whispered to Legolas, almost crying with laughter. He nodded, grinning, biting back a laugh himself. "Well, this is one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily! I have the eyes of a hawk, and the ears of a fox!" Gimli claimed. Suddenly, we are all surrounded by elves with drawn bows.

I smirked in spite of myself. "The dwarf breathes so loudly, we could have shot him in the dark." I sniggered. "Really, Father, is that how you greet our guests? To shame on you!" I tutted, putting ona straight face, as I made my way to the front. He looked at me in astonishment. He looked at me hard. I just gazed back at him, innocently. He broke out in a grin.

Pulling me forward into a huge hug, he whispered "Welcome back sweetie!" I patted him on the back. "You didn't miss me to much, hm? Didn't happen to, oh I don't know, send someone after me?!" I said, crossing my arms. "Uh, yeah, about that..." I shook my head. "I'll talk to you later." Before walking back over to Legolas concealing a grin.

Aragorn took a step forward. "Haldir of Lorien. We have come here for help. Well, apart from Freya. But, we need your protection." Father looked at me. I nodded, and he nodded back. "Signaling to Haldir, are we?" I felt warm breath on the back of my neck, making sensitive little hairs stand on end.

"How'm I going to deal with your father?" Legolas said, musing slightly. I tied his cloak slightly tighter; it was too loose. "Use your perfect charm and wit to win him over. You're a Prince you'll be able to." I said, as my father lead the way forward, blind folding them. "The way there is sacred. I'm sorry." He said. I took Legolas's hand, and walked ahead, everyone else had to link up. I caught the little eyebrow raise my father made; although no comment was made at the time. No doubt it will be mentioned in the very near future.

"Where are the others?" Legolas asked. "They are behind use, do not worry. They were walking too slowly, that was all." He chuckled lightly. "So what are you going to do to me?" I bit my lip. "Just this." Before leaning forward, and placing my lips on his lightly, before pulling away. He groaned, but was biting back a grin. "Such a tease..." He muttered under his breath. I nodded. "Yep, that's me!"

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