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*Hi guys, quick note, would really appreciate feedback at the moment please! :)*

Freya's P.O.V.

I really wasn't looking forward to it, and that was obvious...I mean, I could actually be doing something useful, for Valar's sake! Not sure what, maybe sleep, so I won't get grouchy, annoy someone, walk off in a temper, not pay attention, and get shot by an Orc for not being careful!! -.- But nope, they have to put me through hell. At least I won't be alone.

They're making the whole of the Fellowship attend, and I wasn't allowed to bring Tilah and Seana to accompany me. I thought that was a bit unfair, considering it was the last feast before we left. I hadn't spoken to them since the day before, so I was eager to seek them out and tell them not to gate crash tonight. I was hoping to speak to them a lot more, and spend more time with them, but time had flown whilst I was here. I had been very busy showing Legolas around my home. 

"It's very beautiful." I said. "Yes...But I can see something more beautiful than it." "Oh?" I said, slightly put out. To me, my home was the most beautiful thing on Middle-earth.  "Do not take it to heart so much, I think your home is wonderful,-" I huffed. "But I merely think that you are more beautiful than it." He finished. I stopped, and gaped at him, before laughing. "Your charm cannot make me believe something that is untrue, my dear Prince."

I was excited to leave, yet I was feeling quite, well, melancholy for some reason. I think the time spent away from the safe havens of my home, made me realise how big the world actually is, and that I had missed everything about it, my family, friends, the company of my pets, the food, the environment, and all of my armour and gear. But adventure and danger are always so alluring...Damn. Why is everything that I always like, and is fun, so dangerous?!

I decided to take a walk, I had missed the gardens around my home. The sun's rays flittered around the forest floor, as the tree's danced in the wind. Everything was peaceful. I sat down, and breathed in the cool air deeply, shutting my eyes. My ears twitched at the sound of twigs snapping. I could faintly hear someone crying. I got up to go and investigate, being the inquisitive character I am. Well, that and the fact I hate anyone crying.

I came across Frodo, sitting on a log, head in hands, shaking all over. "Frodo?" I called out to him softly. He flinched in shock, and glanced at me, before wiping his face with his hands. I hesitantly sat down next to him, and offered him a clean handkerchief, which he accepted gratefully. "Thanks." He said, after an awkward pause. "Are you alright?" I almost hit myself round the face. Of course he's not, stupid! What a ridiculous question to ask someone who's crying!

He shrugged. I nodded. Another silent pause. "Do you want to talk about it?" He laughed, bitterly. "I doubt there is much even you could do to help." I raised an eyebrow. "I wouldn't be so sure to assume, mellon." He looked at me. "And what would you know of pain?" I studied his eyes for a minute. "Enough. More than I care to share. But I fear that it is not you who is speaking now. The ring does strange things to ones mind."

He frowned. "How would you know? Don't pretend to know what I'm feeling, you have no idea!" He clenched his jaw. I swallowed, and instinctively reached my hand to my neck, where my own ring was held on a pure silver chain. "Again, do not be so quick to presume so. Perhaps I may know more than you think." My fingers drew out the chain from under my cloak, revealing the golden ring set with a red ruby, glittering in the light.

He blinked twice, before opening his mouth, then shutting it. "Surprised?" I asked him, smiling wryly. "How have you got one?" He finally asked. "Surely you must know that Sauron created 20 rings: three for Elves, seven for Dwarves, Nine for Men, and one for himself." Frodo nodded. "Well, as you already know, my Grandmother holds Nenya, the White ring." Again, he nodded. "I hold Narya, the Red ring. It was originally given to  Gild-galad by Celebrimbor), who in turn, gave it to Círdan, who gave it to Gandalf, who then gave it to me."

Frodo nodded. "Right... So what does yours do exactly?" I blinked.  I opened my mouth, before hearing a twig snap behind us. I spun round, only to see a cloak whirling off behind the trees. Oh Valar, what have I done...

Strange and Superb ~ A Legolas Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now