Arguments and Promises

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*Sorry it's so short guys!*

Freya's P.O.V.

I stood tiredly in front of Lady Galadriel, trying to compose myself - I was still out of breath from running after Legolas, or was that the angry adrenalin? He'd overheard me talking to Frodo about my Ring. I knew I should have told him earlier, but it was always meant to be a secret. But honestly, I didn't really see why it would matter to him so much, and I voiced my opinion when I caught up with him in the courtyard.

He span around in suddenly, grabbing my arm harshly, forcing me to stop. The cobbled courtyard glinted around his shadow, the fine strands of  his hair fluttering in the light evening breeze; his eyes were captivating, even though they had a sharp glint that reflected the moon. "Do you not understand, that it makes the whole journey more dangerous than it already is? We're already traceable with Frodo's ring, let alone you as well." He clenched his jaw harshly.
I huffed, and spat back "Well, sorry for being so selfish. I forgot that I jeopardise everyone's safety in a perfectly normal, safe expedition." He sighed angrily, rolling his eyes. "Yes it was selfish, but don't try and make me feel guilty. You should have told us." I stuck my chin out, defiantly. "Frodo knows." "You just told him, of course he knows." He said, seemingly exasperated. "Well, Gandalf knows, and Aragorn." He laughed. "Great, thanks. That makes me feel so much better."
"Look, I'm sorry, but people aren't meant to know, aright!" He pushed me away from himself, and started to walk away. "Well, it's nice to know that you don't trust me."

We had seemingly made such a racquet, that Galadriel appeared, very annoyed, tired and concerned. "What on Middle-Earth are you two shouting about?" She spoke strictly, expecting an answer. "Why bother to ask, you already know." I said, miserably. She gazed at me, before addressing Legolas.  "It was I who have made her keep the Ring a secret, do not let this tear you apart. There is much danger ahead on your journey, you will need all the strength you have. But you much promise not to tell anyone, it should still be an unknown topic among most in the group."

He bowed his head respectfully, before turning around and walking off. I watched him go reproachfully, and sighed. "Do not fret over it now, but make sure to keep him close. Leave him be tonight, and talk to him tomorrow. That way you will both have had time to think. But you must be more careful in the future, promise me that. It is dangerous to be assumed as a bearer, so one must be cautious. Goodnight my child." She swept away, leaving me alone.

I blinked, feeling sleep sweep over me. I'll go and sort it out with him tomorrow. I thought to myself, and wandered back to my room. As I fell onto my bed, I had the strangest feeling, but I was to tired to notice anything. Sleep overcame me, and I was out like a light.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2014 ⏰

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