The Dance

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Freya's P.O.V.

I woke up, and stretched, looking around my room. The sun shone brightly on my gloss-coated wooden furniture, making me blink several times. Today was the day of the dance. Legolas had asked me, so, of course, being polite (and secretly flattered), I said yes. Boromir had heard, and went into a rage shortly after he realised I'd said yes. To be honest, I found it rather amusing - kind of like a little boy's tantrum when he doesn't get his own way.

I had over slept breakfast and lunch, but I wasn't hungry. Butterflies were dancing around in my stomach, nerves getting the better of me. I walked over t0 my wardrobe, and opened the door, smoothing down the rich wood with my hands. I sighed. It was good to be back.

But I still had the dilema on what to wear. I sorted through several outfits, until I was stumpted. I sighed, and flopped down on my bed. I then had a thought...Sitting up slowly, I eyed the back of the wardrobe hard. I peered in, moving the clothes along, til there was just one hanger left.

I took out the dress, and ran my fingers over the silky soft delicate material. It was my most precious dress, as it was my mother's favourite. I hadn't worn it yet, but I felt like today shall be the day that I do. I really wanted to impress Legolas. It would be awful for him, to have me turn up looking ugly, he could look good in anything! He deserved someone better than me, but until he finds that person, I'll do the best I can to make him happy.

I sighed wishfully. I prayed that tonight would go well - if it didn't I was definitely going to cry. There were a few people going that really hated me. I'm not sure why - whether it was because of my status, or of my relationship with others (mainly guys, or the higher up members). I had always seemed to get someone or something all the time. Almost anything I wanted I got - new sword, daggars, spear, one of the royal sets of bow and arrows (reserved only for those in royalty over a certain age, but I got mine before). 

I had always been invited to important meetings, even from a young age - I had a very loud voice, and found it easy to talk about whichever topic was in discussion. Not many got invited, so it was technically a privilege. They hated me. Called me fat, ugly, useless, worthless, evil. I mean, sure, I had my moments, and severe tantrums, but only the same as everyone else. I guess they all just paid more attention to me.

I looked at the time. I had to be down very soon, so I supposed I should start getting ready. I put and I was done. Well, apart from hair and makeup. I called in one of the maid to get Tilah and Seana. I needed help!

Eventually it was done:, and I was ready to got down. I shakily stood at the bottom of the stairs, waiting to be called in, and choose my partner, though most knew who was coming with me.

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