Courage, where were you?

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Legolas's P.O.V.

I went straight to Aragorn after I had asked Freya to the dance. Knocking on his door, I had a sudden urge to bang my head against the wall. He opened the door, and I stumbled in, not realising that I had been leaning on the door for support. I collapsed on a chair, by the fire. "That bad, huh." He said, shaking his head, and walked over to a cabinet the other side of the room.

I groaned, and covered my face with my hands. "So, are you going to tell me what happened?" He asked, handing me a drink. I took it, and gulped down two large swigs. I almost choked, it was strong stuff. "Valar! What is this stuff?" I eyed the glass carefully, before deciding I should have some more.  "Just something I picked up on my travels" Aragron chuckled, pouring himself a glass, refilling mine, before corking the top back on, and replacing it.

 "Well, some time, I would be grateful if you could tell me what it is." I said, tapping my fingers on the rim of the glass, agitated. "But it does nothing for you" Aragorn said, bemused. I cocked my head to one side. "True, but just because it does not affect us, does not mean we don't enjoy it." A smirk flittered across his face, and I raised my eyebrows, questioningly. "It is said that an Elf can best a Dwarf at  drinking contest."

I smiled, in spite of my self-pity. "That much is also true. However, I would not like to try it, least of all against Gimli, Valar knows how much his pride would hurt if I won.." Aragorn snorted. "More than his head would the day after, and that's saying something." I shrugged, before taking a large gulp of the liquor, feeling the burning sensation travel down my throat pleasantly.

"Are you going to tell me what happened, or am I going to have to  guess while you get wasted?" He asked, seating himself comfortably in a chair opposite me. I sighed, and looked into the fire, watching the flames with great interest. "Well? What did she say?" He prompted. I sighed again. "No idea.." I replied, feeling very sorry for myself.

"You didn't even stick around to find out?!" Aragorn cried out in disbelief. "I didn't ask her!" I groaned, hitting my head on the side of the chair. "What? Why not? And what took you so long, then?" He flung questions at me as though we had minutes to live. "I don't know, I backed out of it at the last minute, my courage failed me..." He raised one eyebrow at me "Your courage failed you? Mellon, your courage has never failed you before! You are a Prince, and a fine one at that! How could it fail you?"

I hung my head in shame. "I don't know... But it did." "Did you actually say anything to her?" I nodded. "I asked her to the dance instead." I said miserably. His head shot up instantly. "You did?" I nodded, still staring at my drink. "Well, I suppose that's a start, no need to rush into things, eh? One step at a time..." He stood up, and patted me on the back. "Not too bad, my friend, don't beat yourself up about it. You did well."

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