Enlighten me

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Legolas's P.O.V.

Aragorn would not stop bugging me about Freya. Especially after the announcement that there would be a ball upcoming in two evenings time. I probably turned into a tomato five times during the dinner alone! And trust me, that's hard - we have a pale complex, well, I do at least! I kept on glancing up, and catching her eyes. Captivating. I knew that it had to be tonight - or else I'd loose her. Forever. And to me, that would be disastrous.

I would have no will to live. But there was something about her that I wasn't sure about. I mean, I love her. Yes, I said it. I love her, and I'd better admit it now while I have the chance, or it might become to late. I don't want to be suspicious around her, but there's this feeling of...of...I don't even know how to put it.

It's like there's this evil surrounding this good. Something that is hidden from plain sight. Something that is concealed, that does not belong. Ugh, why do I feel like this? I need some sleep. God, sleep is amazing. I could sleep for years if I tried!

I stood up, and followed a path absentmindedly. It came out upon a stream in the woods, and I stood, listening to the peaceful trickling of the cool water, reflecting the moonlight, the quiet rustling of the air in the leaves. A twig snapped behind me, and I span around quickly. Freya stood there looking sheepish. I relaxed instantly.

"Sorry." She said quietly. "It's beautiful, isn't it." I said, gazing at the scene. She nodded. "Can I ask as to why you were staling me?" I asked humorously. She smiled. "Haha, I saw you leave, and didn't want you to get lost. It's happened to alot of people, who've visited before, you know." She said, after sensing my disbelief.

I cleared my throat. "Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you for a while." She looked at me. "Oh? What about?" She asked innocently. I took a deep breath. Might I add, that I am a charmer, but I am not always the best with words, especially under pressure. I swear, I've never been more nervous about anything in my life!

"So...I've been meaning to ask you something. And before you answer straight away, I want you to listen to what I have to say, and think over it." She closed her mouth, and nodded, seemingly very confused. "Um, well, I...Uh..." I stuttered. She raised her eyes brows at me. I cleared my throat. Time to get it over with. "I know we've only known eachother properly for a few days, but I feel like we've got some kind of connection - I cannot explain it."

"But I know what I feel, and I know its not going to change anytime soon. I want you to at least consider it, and give us a chance. Please." I finished, holding my breath. I couldn't look at her in the face, and turned away embarrassed. "So, will you do me the honor of being my date to the dance?"

Strange and Superb ~ A Legolas Love StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat