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Aemond stood up from his bed, still feeling tired and sore from the previous day of training. He passed his hand through his arms, feeling some of the bruisers, but as usual, started getting ready for another day of training, practice, and study. Aemond was loyal to routines, he respected rightfully his schedule and appointments, prioritizing his duties above his pleasures. A lot of unpleasant things could be said about him however, specially regarding his temperament and vengeful nature, he was also not very good with entertaining the court, but there's no denial he was a serious and a dedicated prince.
As usual, Aemond broke his fast with his mother and sister. He was often cold and distant, but it was obvious he had affection for this two women. One eyed price Aemond lost his eye in a children's fight with his kins, leaving a permanent scar on his face and reducing his vision significantly. His mother was the only person defending him and trying to make justice for what happened. His sister, helped care for his wound in the days after the terrible accident. No one else had any kind of sentiment or affection towards Prince Aemond, or at least they didn't show it. Prince Aegon perhaps had it, but he was often so away from his duties and had been so cruel do Aemond in the past that the bond that united then was purely the bond of blood. Which for Aemond was a enough, even despising his brother's behavior, he would surely be loyal to him, since he would never betray his house. His older brother could rarely be seen studying or practicing anything. He enjoyed riding Sunfyre and sometimes practiced the sword fighting with his brother and other folks, but his favorite activities were related to depravity and wine. Could he be to blame is for the judgment of the reader, young prince Aegon did not wish to occupy such a place as the future heir of the iron throne. He wished for the pleasure that came with his high birth, but not the obligations and duties, he felt deeply the disappointment he was for his mother and kins, but regardless, he chose to behave poorly by his own fault.
Inside his chambers Aemond never used the eye patch, the wound was fully healed, there was no need to cover it, but in public he was always seen with an eye patch covering his missing eye. He did not wish to scare people, or show such an intimate scar to everyone, even to the ones closer to him, he was a private and prideful person. He was often embarrassed when his sister was able to see a glance of his mutilated face, even if she by any means felt any repulsion by it and was one the only people attending his wound after the accident.
-Training again today brother? I saw you yesterday with Sir Criston Cole, is was quite a spectacle, you were magnificent, everyone in the realm knows of your worrier qualities. Maybe it's good to take some rest as well - Helena advised him.
-Rest is definitely important sister, but I need to practice more than the others, specially to make up for what I lack… but I assure you I'll take it lightly today. If you excuse me, mother, sister, I must go now. I'll see you both later.
What Aemond said was indeed right. When he lost his eye he also lost other things, he had to endure a time without training, until his wound was fully healed. But after that came the real problem. With only one eye Aemond was in a significant disadvantage against his opponents in a real fight. It was difficult to measure profundity, and he couldn't see the full picture. In the beginning the prospects were so bad that Alicent thought about training him as a Maester, solidifying his love for history, and taking away the sword from his hand. But Aemond's core was too chaotic and eager to fight, and he was now rider of Vhagar as well, that was not something he could accept. He could never allow Luke to take his eye and future as a fighter with it. So Aemond had to relearn how to fight, gain a new conscious of his new vision and body, learn new strategies, and make his other senses more refined to make up for the lack of vision. And he did succeed in that, becoming an amazing and skilled sword master, as well as a skillful academic in history and philosophy.
After Aemond made his way, his sister was also excusing herself to get to her duties. But her mother asked her to stay to talk about about something important with her - I need your opinion on one matter - she said with a low voice.
- Yes mother, what is it?
Before answering her Alicent excused all the maids to leave them two alone. She didn't want others to listen. - You and Aegon already have a future, I know he isn't always a good husband and for that I'm sorry… I guess I try to excuse myself as that being part of your duty - she listen in silence, but surprised by her mother's words - sometimes I wish I had made other options… but there's no going back now. I've been thinking about Aemond, he's 20 already, what kind of marriage we should secure for him, he already endured enough pain and humiliation in his life, and he can be such a cold and distant man, I wish for him to find true contentment, if not love, in a future wife…
- My brother Aemond deservers the world mother, not just contentment. I'm glad you recognize the results from your choices with me and Aegon, but with you I can agree, it is part of a duty I can not escape. But Aemond can. Let's for once not interfere, let him chose in his time. My brother is distant, but righteous, he will put our family first while choosing a match and seek your blessing for a woman he finds suitable. Don't get me wrong mother, I think Aemond would accept any woman you chose in a heartbeat, because that's his nature, he is ruled by duty, but I wish for him an happiness I might never have... - saying this Helaena glanced the floor, with her eyes brightly shinning almost leaving a tear. Her mother would have hugged her in comfort, but the young princess was not found of touching.
- Your words are true doughter… I do agree with you. However, it's essential for our house to secure ourselves, we can not be foolish and let our desire rule our life alone.
- What are you so afraid of mother? Rhaenyra as put aside her claim, Aegon will be king, against his wishes, there's still a clime of tension I know, and some people that are unhappy, but war is unlikely now. What is the rush in doing it now?
- Peace is transitory, we must be prepared. I don't think we need to look only on what would benefit us, but also benefit Aemond's soul and happiness.
- In that we agree mother. I'll also look to it, but you should definitely speak with Aemond, he would not like to have things discussed in his back.
- Indeed... I'll speak to him later today.

Later that day, Aemond was in his chambers, alone, preparing to read a bit by himself when his mother was presented by the valet. Aemond tried to reach for his eye patch before she was inside but couldn't get it in time.
- Just give me a moment mother. - Aemond said while getting to the eye patch. But Alicent reached his hands first.
- Son, there's no need. After all this time, it hurts me that you don't feel at ease with me.
- It's not that mother… - Aemond said looking away, with his long silver hair falling on his face and hiding part of his scar.
- I know you wished for that sapphire after the wound healed lo look more frightening, empowered perhaps, a symbol of your martyrdom, to make us forget you were a victim of others violence. But do not think it works with me. You're beautiful son, always have been, always will - Aemond blushed and didn't answer back… he was closer to his mother that his two siblings, she was the one that protected him from the bullying of the other kids, that defended him, help him recover from the accident, and even arranged for the jewel when he asked for it after the wound was healed - What brings me here concerns an important matter regarding you, and your future prospects and marriage - she was direct, she knew that was the best way with him.
- I was actually thinking when you would do that. I'm glad you're discussing it with me, but know that I'll accept any lady you find suitable for me, and I'll honer that… but I'd like the lady to be in full knowledge of my condition, as in, I don't wish to force any lady to marry a man with a mutilated face if she doesn't willingly agree too.
- Glad to ear that soon, but I actually want to consult you to listen to your own thoughts about the matter… I don't want to make the same mistake I made with your siblings…
- That's not something I duel on mother… the choice you made for them was righteous, only my brother's actions are to blame. I won't be such a husband, so I'll preform my duties with any lady you find suitable, I can't promise to love her indeed, but be sure I will preform as expected.
Alicent was proud of his son but at the same time sad that he saw marriage only as a part of duty and not a place of happiness, but truth is that her own marriage was not exactly a product of true love.
- It eases me to listen to that. I only wish I could find such a match for you that would further secure us but also wish that your heart would be cared and treasured for the right woman. I know your heart is actually of a frail and kind nature Aemond, and I don't mean it as an insult, but a compliment.
Aemond didn't know what to say, he felt uncomfortable with being vulnerable, he felt anxious when put in such a spot, as if he was an insecure child again. He remained silent while his mother addressed her concerns and possible matches. And then she advised him to also think about it. However, it seemed like the matter would be settled some weeks after that when Alicent invited a high born lady of Dorne, Meriah Martell, to the court, in order to solidify the peaceful relationship that had been preserved in the last decades. The Baratheons and the Starks were an option, but the Starks did not seem to have any available young lady high birth enough for a Prince, and the Baratheons didn't seem to have a lady that would fit Aemond in his mother's view. Alicent saw that Dorne was left out of the negotiations of the marriage proposals of the recent years, and saw wise in not leaving them unattended. It was good to show Dorne the power of the dragons, but also keep the peaceful times, it was a good and rich proposal for both sides, and ironically enough to have the rider for Vhagar, dragon who had destroyed so many in Dorne during the conquest, forming an alliance with them. Alicent reassured that the lady fully knew of Aemond's condition before the invitation, as in, that he only had one eye, but left it there, not mentioning any details of why or how he looked. She wanted to know the lady better, prior to any formal proposal on both sides so she didn’t formerly said anything about marriage in the proposal, and made it seem more like an invitation in celebration of piece, offering other meaningful propositions of marriage for other lads, leaving to negotiation the proposal of the two highborns.

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