A light in the future

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 When Aemond woke up in the morning Orya was still sleeping besides him, her head lying on his bed on her arms, sitting in a chair besides. He thought that she was probably feeling very uncomfortable like that, but she was sleeping finally, and he didn't want to wake her up. He still felt terrible, breathing was still very hard, but the fever was almost gone now. His mother was embroidering besides him and didn't immediately notice his eye opening.
- Mother... - the prince said almost whispering, and Alicent stopped what she was doing at once, moving her attention to her son. She placed her hand on his face and smiled.
- My dear boy, rest... How are you feeling? You don't feel so hot, praised be the gods, how's your breathing? Does it still hurt in your chest Aemond? - Alicent asked him already concerned that his symptoms would flare up again.
- Shhh, silently mother - the prince said looking to Orya still sleeping - let's not wake her up, she needs to rest too. I do feel better mother, don't worry.
- Yes dear...lady Orya has been of a tremendous help, she has been restless taking care of you Aemond...
- I know mother...she has been so kind to me - Aemond blushed, but right after started coughing a little waking lady Orya from her sleep.
- My prince, my queen, I... I am so sorry! - she abruptly stood her head from Aemond's bed.
- Oh please, I'm the one apologizing, you were sleeping so well, didn't want to wake you up.
- Not at all my prince, I could rest at least indeed...how are you feeling your Grace? - since Alicent was there, Orya felt the need to maintain appropriate language, she didn't thought wise to call him only by his name like she did before.
- Better, it's still difficult to breathe but the fever seems to be gone now
- Praised be the gods... - Orya said smiling and holding his hand, forgetting about Alicen't presence. She was so embarrassed to be sleeping there in front of the queen and prince that she excused herself shortly after, saying that she was going to see for lady Meriah, leaving Aemond with his mother only.
- I think she was embarrassed of falling a sleep with you here mother.
- Indeed...she has been such a sweet girl tho... I must be honest with you Aemond, if you allow me.
- Go on mother...
- At first, your inclination towards lady Orya worried me, she was not exactly what I envisioned for you, but with time I saw that I was wrong...she is perfect, she is everything I envisioned for you my dear.
- Mother...what do you mean? – Aemond was very surprised, he never thought to hear of such words from his own mother.
- You're still very ill my dear son, I don't wish to stress you with this issues, I just want to rest your mind, and your heart, that I approve of your choice... lady Orya I mean. You look so happy in her presence, and she has been so restless taking care of you and worrying for you, I'm sure she will be an amazing wife.
Aemond blushed, so heavily he thought for a little his fever was up again.
- So.... I have your blessing, I mean, if I decide to ask lady Orya in marriage?
- Of course, my love... leave your grandfather and your father the King with me, I'll arrange for that, I don't want you to worry about it – Aemond smiled and kissed his mother's hand in reverence and showing his profound affection for her. She got closer to him and kissed his forehead stroking his hair.

During the rest of the day Aemond received Dareon's visit and Helaena that also had manage to leave Aegon for a while with their mother, since Alicent was visiting her older son too. Orya came back into his room while Daeron was still there, securing Daeron's conviction that they were a match, and a good one. Heleana also manifested her approval when she was just him him.
- Brother... You love lady Orya, she loves you too. I'm so happy you could find someone that fits you so well and that takes care of you so patiently, this things have no price... Now you need to focus on recovery, but after, ask her to marry you...

Helaena's words settled the matter. Aemond was decided to ask Orya to marry him, however, he thought to himself that he could only do it when the illness was controlled enough for his situation to be stable and less severe. Unfortunately, that was still not the case. That night the horrible symptoms flared up again, the pain was even worse than before, he felt like his lungs were closing and his heart would give out, the maesters gave him a sedative again managing to bring him to sleep, but this time three of them were firm that the prince needed to be bled to shed the illness away in the blood. Orya and the maesters of Dorne were firmly against, so was one of the Starks and one of the royal maesters, but the head maester insisted on doing it, and since Alicent wasn't there, he felt no need of approval of no one. The prince's blood started filling a fine silver tray, his skin looked paler, his heart and breathing seemed to ease, but soon they understood it was not easing, the prince was purely just stooping to breath at all, and his heart was struggling further with the blood that was coming out of the body.
- Enough! You must stop this nonsense, you're killing him! - Orya said already crying feeling Aemond's vital signs getting frailer.
- This must end. Now - One of the maesters of the Starks spoke and took away the needle for bleeding and the tray. The other maesters didn't complain, because they could see the practice was not bringing any health to the prince - we must trust the process and the treatments we are providing. The prince was improving, even if he's doing worst again, we know the illness, we know how it works with ups and downs' of the symptoms. We have attend other two people this last two weeks suffering with severe cases of this illness. Bleeding provoked the death of at least one of them most likely, and did not help the other one. No more bleeding's, it will only weaken his heart and lungs even more, even if it seems to slow it, it would only make his heart stop...permanently - the head maester complained something, mumbling things that were not audible and left the room saying that if the prince died his death would be on their hands. The other's ignored the words and proceded to treat the wound from the bleeding and provided the usual treatments and medicines, leaving the room only after he was stable enough. Orya placed her head on the prince's chest, listening to his heart beating and feeling the rise and fall of his chest, she only lifted her ear when she heard his heart beating steady and stronger again.

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