A firm decision

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The maesters allowed Aemond to leave his chambers after the 14th day of illness, but still advising a lot of rest and tranquility. Truth is the prince was still not in health for much more, just like the maester's said, even just walking was difficult, he became easily fatigued with small activities, it was frustrating for him at the very least. Aemond was used to heavy training, riding, both horses and dragons, and even if he deeply appreciated the academic studying and was methodical with it, he felt angry with himself and his body, and struggled to respect the knew temporary limits of his strength. Orya could tell how frustrated he was, and she could understand it perfectly, but she always remained a voice and reason, and a company he could always rely on. During one of the earlier days of recovery she prepared a beautiful basket of treats and food, so that they could have lunch in the gardens enjoying a pleasant weather and fresh air.
- I have to admit I was not used to seeing you like this again - Orya said while they ate.
- Like this? You mean, properly dressed, out of my bed, and not looking like I'm about to die? - he lough while talking, making Orya have the same reaction.
- Yes, that too, but I was actually talking about the eye patch. You stayed always without in your chambers, now that you're back into public life in the castle you're wearing it again.
Aemond blushed before saying something.
- Well, do you have a preference?
- Whatever makes you more comfortable, I love your sapphire, but I understand that you want to conserve your privacy, the eye patch suits you very well too.
- I always feel comfortable with you... ahhh - Aemond sighted - When will this be over? I just want to get better once and for all, get back on my affairs and training, getting you to fly Vhagar as I promised before falling ill, marry you... - Aemond stopped right there, gazing his healthy eye deep into Orya, showing his impatience.
- I know Aemond - She held his hand comforting him - you know it will take time, I understand your impatience but you need to take it slowly and easy, it will get better, you'll have your strength back. Regarding our marriage...I would not be opposed to marry you right now, I would have married you on the same day you asked me- she wanted to kiss him, but there were some maids and people passing by, she did not yet feel comfortable for that.
- I want to do things right Orya... Of course I'd want to do it right now too, but I wish to have everything settled with my family so we can have a proper wedding, with everyone's blessing, and with all the arrangements that a royal wedding commands according to tradition.
- Does everyone know already?
- My father does, I told him, when I went to see him after leaving my chambers, my mother and I both talked with him, he showed no opposition, he seemed quite delighted actually... my mother told me to not talk about it with Otto yet, she says she want's me to get my health fully back first, I think she's afraid that the possible confronts between him and me could cause me harm, slow my recovery, but I think she's being quite naive. He knows it already, I'm sure, he has eyes and hears everywhere - Aemond was in fact right. Otto Hightower was aware of the betrothal on the same day it happened, and he was not happy with it. He did not love the idea of Aemond to marring lady Meriah, but now that sight looked like heaven compared to the final decision of marring the bastard cousin. So he gathered the lords, spread the news as "possible" and not convict, and had the small council reunited. They conspired against the match, most of them didn't want Dorne there at all, and placed other suitable suitors on the table. However, Otto was decided to talk with his grandson in hopes to change his mind. That same day he summoned him for a private talk. Orya waited for him in the hall, already expecting the content of the conversation, as the prince did.

- Sit Aemond...
- I hope this doesn't take too long, I think I can stand.
- You're still ill for what I now, it's a slow progress... Better if you just sat, I don't wish to fatigue you.
- I didn't knew you cared that much... You didn't appear to see me when I was much worse- Aemond answered already in defense, expecting what was to come - so I assume you didn't call for me now to talk about my most recent health issues, it was something else I suppose.
- There were already people there concerned and caring for you, am I right? - Otto smirked at him - I care for the well being of all my family, I care for your health too of course, I was always informed of all the news and prayed for your recovery, I can see all the prayers were useful. But indeed... I summoned you because I was informed you were to marry, and what shock was I in, for not having been informed of such news.
- You would have been, when it becomes official, I wanted to fully recover first.
- And yet the King already knows.. So do the Martells, your mother, brother and sister and almost every maid in this castle.
Aemond was inpatient with the word games of his grandparent, he wanted to finish that confront soon.
- You do not approve of it, I know it, mother knows it, she didn't want me to confront you while I'm still recovering, so I respected her wishes. But it is settled, I want to marry lady Orya, and she wants to marry me too, so I will - Aemond leaned forward to the table gazing Otto fiercely.
- I always thought you wiser than Aegon... Maybe I was wrong. I do not put in question her virtues, but you can understand she is not ideal.
- She IS ideal. She will be a dutiful wife, and she has Martell blood, so she still can secure what we were looking for. If this is all, I'll be on my way.
- Wait... Wait. I've discussed all this with the small council, there's at least three other ladies that would be a considerable match for you and that everyone would be happier about... you mother was the one bringing this dornish nonsense, the realm doesn't need this union right now, at least not between a Targaryen.

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