Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"You're fat and ugly! Nobody likes you!", they shouted.

I just stood there, almost crying. How dare of them.

"How could you say such mean things to him, he

didn't do anything!", I shouted at them. 

Liam looked to the ground with his fists clenched.

You could see little teardrops were falling on the floor.

Kate, my best friend came closer. "He's coercing you

to defend him, right?", she whispered in my ear.

I didn't say anything. He wasn't coercing me. I just couldn't say anything.

Was I just embarrassed? 

Suddenly, Liam's mum entered the room. She took Liam by the hand

and pulled him away.  As he walked out of the room, someone shouted

"You don't fit in here!"  I looked at him angrily.

It was Boris, a good friend of my best friend, Kate.

"Why do you think, that he doesn't fit?

He's just like everyone else here", I asked.

Boris now looked at me and shook his head. "You don't get it, Emily.

You are just like us, good-looking and a nice person. But we just

can't stand him because he's different. Just look at him."

"How can you judge a person just by his appearance?!", I yelled at him.

A 6-year-old boy who was judging another boy by his appearance.

I started crying and left the room. Kate knew that 

I liked Liam and always tried to defend him because he never defended

himself but she just stood there, not knowing what to do.

She didn't act like a best friend at all. It really

disappointed me and so I didn't talk to her for the rest of the week. 

I went home, trying to figure out where Liam lived. 

Though I knew Liam for almost a year now,

I've never knewn where he lived because

he never told me anything about his home or his family.

I just knew that he got two bigger sister, who didn't

go to the local school here. But I didn't know anything

about his relationship to his parents. 

I went to the local park in our town.

There was a big beautiful tree with big roots.

I saw that there was someone sitting on of the roots.

It was Liam! But he wasn't alone.

His mother was sitting next to him on a bench.

Suddenly, she was waving at me.. Why did she know who I was?

"Hey Emily, could you come a bit closer?", she called. 

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