Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

.. Days passed by and I still couldn't forget the little booklet I found 

in Liam's wardrobe a few days ago. Though it was privately, I wanted

to read it so badly. I had to find a way to read it.

One day, Liam came over to my house to give me some tutoring in

maths because I was terrible in it.  Well, it wasn't really tutoring, it was

more like flirting all the time.

"Eh, sweetcheek?", Liam suddenly asked me.

"What do you need, love?", I replied, stroking his soft brown hair.

 "I think I'm gonna apply for the X-Factor again", he smiled at me.

"That's a great idea! When does the audition start?", I answered.

I knew if Liam would go through the auditions I'd have time to read

his little booklet.

"In two weeks.  I'm hoping, that I'll get through this time", he said.

"You will. I'm sure about that", I said smiling at him.

He kissed me softly and we went on learning.

The two weeks passed really fast and the final day has arrived

for Liam to drive to the auditions again. He didn't want to let me

go with him, so I had to stay at home waiting for him to come back.

I knew now was the right time to sneak into Liams house and read

his booklet, now that he was busy with his audition. Though it quite

bothered me to  deceive Liam like this but I was so curious about

his booklet, I couldn't  hold myself back.

Knowing where the keys of his house were, I grabbed them and

unlocked the door so I could sneak into his house. Nobody was at

home, his mother and his dad were at the auditions with him, so

I had some time left. I looked around if there were any cameras

in case Liam's family had some, I didn't know.

Sneaking around like a thief I walked up the stairs to Liam's room.

Though I knew Liam always locked his room when he left it, I was

surprised that the door was opened this time.

 I almost jumped in Liam's room, being afraid that he may have 

some traps in his room. Well this sounded ridiculous but I was

really afraid that I would be busted.

Trying not to make a mess in Liam's room I searched for the

booklet, Liam hid from me. Seconds later, I found it where he

was hiding it usually. My whole body trembled as I took the

booklet out of the wardrobe. What should I expect?

Something like a diary? Something like a list? I took a deep

breath and opened it.

Things I never ever want to do again in my whole life: 

- being the weak one

- eat soup with a spoon

- being shy

- hit my sisters

- propose to a girl

- getting embarrassed by my best friend

Wait what was that? Why did Liam never tell me about the

last three points? Was it really true what Boris said? That

he would hit his sisters? Did I hurt him that much, that

he never wanted to propose to a girl again?

I felt something piercing my heart and my soul at the same time.

With my trembling hands I turned the pages to see what Liam

wrote in this booklet.

I hate her. I hate myself. I hate everyone. Why does everybody

hate me? What have I done? Why am I worthless? Why am I 

so angry? Why do I hit my sisters? Why did I even propose

my best friend my love to her? How was I so gullible, believing

that someone could love me?

While reading these lines, big teardrops were falling down to 

the ground and some were falling down in the booklet too.

Why did he never tell me about this booklet? Did he never trust

me? Was this even a true relationship? I didn't know what 

shocked me more in this moment.  The fact that he lied to me

and never told me everything or that Boris was right with the

presumption of hitting his sisters?

In this moment, I heard someone opening the housedoor..

Oh no, how did I get out of there now.. I was on the second

floor and jumping out of the window would be too dangerous..

But my problem solved within a few seconds as Liam opened

his roomdoor to see me - with his booklet.

"What are you doing here and what are you holding in your hands?",

he asked confused. He seemed to be happy because he held

a little sheet in his hands.

"We have to talk, Liam".. I mumbled. 


thanks for reading <3

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