Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

.."He went back to your old school because he wanted to

sort out the matter of bullying with Boris. But instead of

doing this he got in a terrible fight with him and Liam 

accidentally hit Kate because she stood in front of Boris",

she explained. "... And where is he now?", I whispered

with a cracked voice. I obviously couldn't believe it.

"He's at the hospital, Boris hurt him really bad. But he doesn't

want to see you. He thinks you won't talk to him because he

punched your best friend. Karen sighed.

"She's not my best friend anymore. I need to see him", I replied.

Mrs. Payne accepted to drive me to the hospital. 

As I entered the hospital room, I saw Liam lying in the 

bed. But it seemed as he didn't want to see me.

However, I walked up to the bed where he was lying.

"Go away", he whispered.

"I won't go until you tell me why you did this", I said.

"I wanted this to end. Boris destroys my life. I can't

go anywhere without being judged", he whimpered.

I understood him but I still knew it wasn't right.

"But if you hit him or Kate, it won't make things better."

"I know. I'm sorry for hitting your best friend",he apologized.

"She's not my best friend. You're my best friend". I smiled

at him gently. He started blushing and then he turned himself

away from me. I decided to go, although I was confused.

There were so many questions running from my head. Why did 

he do this.. He has never been the one who solved his problems

with violence. And now he's got a black eye from defending himself

against bullies. This world was just not fair at all. 

I knew things wouldn't turn better now. They actually turned worse.

Liam got bullied every day. He was called fat and ugly. Things

which hurt him. I tried to defend him as always. But he always

rejected my help. He tried to be happy although he was bullied.

The bullies didn't even back off from hurting Liam. They pulled

him against the tables and even worse things but when the 

teachers came in, nobody was doing anything to Liam. 

It turned colder and the trees were starting to lose their leaves.

The leaves slowly changed their colours in a smooth orange.

Before it got even colder, Liam wanted to meet me at our 

secret place under the big tree in the park like always. 

I knew something was wrong because he hasn't been to 

school the last few days. Please god, don't let him move 

towns. Liam has become my closest friends as I didn't want

to be friends with my classmates, you never knew if they

like you or not. 

I just went back home after school and changed clothes to

go out. Before I left home, my mum told me to be careful

as always. She was always a bit worried about me and told

me to avoid Liam since she heart about the fight between

him and Boris from the mother of Boris. She always thought,

that Liam would do something to me if I'm not careful enough.

I was on my way to the park as I met Boris. I tried not to look

at him but he started talking to me. "Did you hear about the

rumour, that Liam hits his sisters?", he asked me.

I turned angry. "How dare of you to call Liam a bully!"

"It's the truth, believe me! He gets angrily really easy, just

look at my arm!", he replied showing his arms, full of scratches.

"Stop it, Boris or I will add some more scratches!", I yelled at him.

"Well you two will be a great couple, beating the crap out of

each other!", he mocked. I couldn't hear it anymore, I clenched

my fists as I walked away, leaving Boris behind me. 

I finally arrived at the big tree in the park. Liam already sat on one 

of the big roots who jutted out of the ground.

"You're late", he smiled as he hugged me.

"I know, I had an unpleasant coincidence with someone", I replied.

"So, you needed something, what's the problem?", I asked him.

"Well, Emily.. I have to tell you something". 

Breakdown (Liam Payne Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें