Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Liam stripped off, looking at me with his big brown eyes, tears were glittering in it.

I felt sorry for him even though it was my fault that he was almost crying.

I couldn't react and left, whispering "Sorry"..

As I turned my back on Liam, I could feel his gaze in my back.

It was like a sharp pain which drilled right in my heart.

Tears ran down my face and were falling down to the ground.

Had I just ruin our friendship?

The next night I couldn't sleep at all. I constantly thought about Liam and

how I must have hurt him with just a few words, "I can't do this." 

I was afraid of his reaction, I was afraid that I just lost my best friend.

As I got out of the shower and tied my hairs back tightly, I saw that

I got a new message on my mobile phone. It was from Liam.

I took a deep breath and opened it.

"I'm sorry what happened today. Forget it.


He never wrote me text messages, he always knocked on my door

when he needed something and now he wrote me a text message?

There were no emotions, it was literally just pain in it.

The next day, Liam didn't come to school. I was worried and so I went

to his house after school. But It seemed as nobody was at home.

So I just went straight home and just collapsed into my bed, thinking

about the kiss under the big tree. Was it really a kiss? I opened the 

window to let the cold air from outside in. A cold breeze was drifting

through my room as I just sat on my bed, reading Liam's message

over again. So I decided better not to reply on it. 

Time passed, the winter came and Liam and I still didn't talk much.

He still got bullied but he got used to it, so I thought I didn't have to

take care of him anymore. Christmas, where everyone shared

their love to each other, was coming closer and closer. I never liked

Christmas, but I felt like this year it was going to be special, although

Liam and me weren't as close as we used to. We didn't meet under

the big tree anymore. One day he wasn't coming anymore.

One night, I couldn't sleep and so I decided to go to the big tree where

Liam and I used to meet. I set down on a park bench, looking over the

frozen water, it was such a peaceful and depressing night. Snowflakes

were falling down from the dark sky and I could feel them melting on my

cheeks.  I've never been afraid of walking alone in the dark, God knows why.  

I was lost in my mind when I suddenly heard footsteps in the snow coming


"Who's there?", my voice was clanging through the cold breeze. 

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