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Regressor: Andre
Cg: Gigi, Brett, Myc

Tw⚠️: mentions of alchol and drugs, addiction, relapsing(drug telated), venting, one moment of yelling, lashing out
but it all ends with a happy ending ofc

Andre's POV

The sober up carnival, thats what Raegan decided to call the stupid rehab club. After my many refusals to entering the program, and the many mistakes I made at work to show for it- Raegan declared war on me. If I didnt get sober I'd be fired. So ofcourse, I joined the club because I dont want to loose my job and my friends.

After joining we where forced to give all substances or things we where addicted to wich was already stressing to me. Only 3 days had gone by and I felt like I'd been sober for years.

My anxiety tics where coming back and I became more self aware of my surroundings. Everything felt too loud, too bright, and all I could focus on where the fact that Brett kept clicking his pen.

"CAN YOU STOP THAT?!? YOUR SO ANNOYING!" I yelled at Brett and all I saw was the poor boy who seemed like i had just told him his whole family died. Everyone in the office knows Brett doesnt like being yelled at or called annoying. I didn't mean to,
I just wanted the noise to stop...

"I'm sorry" Brett muttured as he walked away. Everyone was glaring at me so i ran off. All I could think on doing was relapsing, anything, alcohol, drugs, weed, it didnt matter. I needed anything. Anything to forget all my mistakes and the loudness of it all.

Some hours later I felt better. Just to notice, I had relapsed.
Everything came crashing down and I just broke down in tears. I was going to get fired, everyone hated me, im just a failure.

I slowly felt myself starting to form up an anxiety attack due to the amount of stress. "Not now" I said to myself, as if my brain would listen to me.

But I started to feel off, like I felt lighter, even my body started to feel smaller. I assumed it was the drugs and just hid in a mostly empty room no one used.

I let myself cry it out but I didnt expect to cry THIS much? Something definetly felt off but before I even had the time to try to process things, Brett barged imto the room.

"He's here guys!!" Brett yelled at the group that soon followed after him. "Now, now, whats all this with you yelling at Brett, Andre??" Gigi asked clearly angry with me.

I tried to speak but I couldn't, all that came out where tears.

Brett noticed I wasnt okay and he sat infront of me. "I didn't know pens stressed you out so much...sorry" he said calmly.

I cried more, I didnt want to make Brett upset, everything was just too much, and before I could list every mistake Ive made in my life, Brett brought me into a close hug.

I felt really calm and hugged him back, I even forgot what I was thinking off, it's been so long since someone had hugged me that I was just surprised.

"Well, is everything okay Andre? Yelling isnt okay but you dont seem all together so we'll let it pass" Gigi said as she grabbed some tissues and gently washed the tears off my face.

"Yeah Andre" Raegan started.
"I know rehab and all that is hard, your doing amazing okay? Relapsing is hard but you didnt fail. You can always try again, and we will all be here to support you."

"Just like Raegan said buddy! We'll right by your side!" Brett said hapilly as he finished hugging me.

I felt really happy but i didnt understand why, I felt like I was dreaming, but all I knew was that i wanted to keep hugging.

I stared at Brett and slowly reached out to him. He looked back at me confused and i just muttered "hugs pweas".

"Oh- I LOVE HUGS! OFCOURSE WE CAN HUG AGAIN!" Brett exclaimed and quickly hugged me.

I giggled and hugged him back unawere of why i felt so...small?
But regardless, I was happy, and thats all that mattered.

I tried- :')

I will try to write happier stories in the future, but angst is so much easier to write XD.

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