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Regressor: Andre
Caregiver: Myc
Tw: food/⚠️agere hate⚠️

Myc's POV:

I was bored and not looking forward to the piles of paperwork I had to review, so I went to look for Andre to ask if he wanted to ditch work with me.

I opened the door to his workstation to find him sucking on a pacifier and playing with some stuffed animals.

"Um....what are you doing?"

Andre looked at me and then back at the plushies, then back at me and suddenly he was running around the room and hid under some covers.

I was confused but realized he was probably embarrassed.
Adult humans don't tend to use pacifiers after all but I don't see the issue.

No one's POV:

Myc made his way to the blanket fort Andre was hiding in and poked it.

"Hey lil guy- I'm not judging so it's okay!" He said awkwardly.

Andre only hid more in response.

Myc slowly lifted the blanket to find the boy covered in tears.

"Oh damn"

Myc didn't know what to do, he didn't even know what was going on. He decided to do the nicest thing he could think of and that happened to be-

"Do you wanna go to McDonald's?"

Andre stared in shock but nodded right away.

 The boys headed off to McDonald's silently and Andre with a stuffie in hand.

"So this thing your doing, what is it?"

Andre just sucked on his paci and stared in silence.

"Not a talker, got it."

Andre nodded and just played with the turtle plushie.

"Well, how will I know what you wanna eat?"

Andre looked at him like a hopeless puppy.

"Don't worry, I'll uh, you can point at the menu!"

Andre smiled and looked outside the car window to notice they were there already.

They got off the car and walked inside the McDonalds.

Andre wobbled inside, plushie in hand and he looked up at the counter to stare at the menu.

"Just point at whatever you want buddy," Myc said as he counted his money.

Andre pointed at the happy meal happily.

"With a burger or chicken nuggets?"

Andre stared at him hopelessly and whined not being able to speak.

"Buddy I need you to use words sadly"

Andre whined and started to tear up.

"Hey, hey it's okay don't cry! Just um, nod if you want nuggets or deny if you want a burger.

Andre nodded in response and hugged his plushie tightly.

"Ew what's wrong with him," The girl at the counter said rudely.

"Excuse me?" Myc said angrily and got in front of Andre as if to protect him.

"He is a grown man using a pacifier"

"It's none of your business." 

Andre felt tears poured down his face and he ran outside.

Myc wanted to scream at the girl but knew checking on Andre was more important so he stormed off and caught up to Andre.

"Andre wait up!" Myc said as he grabbed the regressed boy.

Andre just cried in his arms and hugged his alien friend.

"It's gonna be alright buddy, there's nothing wrong with you, I don't think you're weird at all, "Myc said as he pet the boy's head.

Andre hugged him tighter and felt himself go up as Myc carried him like a baby.

"I'll just make you some nuggets myself okay? Let's go home..."

Andre nodded and showed a small smile.

The boys made their way to Myc's apartment which was surprisingly really clean and organized.

Andre ran around all the rooms observing everything quietly.

If Myc could smile he would be right now at the sight of the regressed boy wobbling around happily. 

Myc prepared some dino nuggets and handed them over to Andre who had his eyes glued to the tv screen.

The regressed boy smiled and giggled at the sight of the dino nuggies.

The living room was soon filled with the laughter from the Bluey cartoons and with Andre's happy noises.

"You having fun kiddo?"

Andre nodded and Myc felt relieved.

He had no idea what was happening but he figured Andre was in a younger state of mind.

Myc had no clue how to care for humans let alone regressed ones, but aside from all that Andre seemed happy and that's all that mattered.

Andre quickly grew tired and crawled over to Myc and proceeded to lay his head on Myc's lap.

"You gonna sleep bud?"

Before he got an answer Andre was fast asleep comfortably on his lap.

Myc swore to himself to protect Andre at all cost.











I hope this was good enough :)

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