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Regressor: Raegan

Cg: Brett

Tw: mention of being drunk in past, drinking medicine, vent? (Raegan thinks about her past and feeling alone)

Raegan's POV:
"Godamit" I muttered while i stared at the numbers saying my temperature.
I had a really high fever and I felt like my head was going to explote.

I didnt really want to skip work, mostly because I knew the others will just take it as a chance to not get their work done.

I decided to push through it and messingly got ready , as usual.

As soon as I got to work I started feeling worst, my stomach and head hurt so much and I was starting to get dizzy. Regardless I was able to make my way to the office, and as expected everyone was doing anything that isnt working.

"Guys we have a busy scheduele this week, we cant mess around!" I told them as I let myself sink in my chair.

All my coworkers groaned in response and started to get ready for work.

I started to organize some files to distribiute the roles for today but I began to wonder off.
I thought about how sick I felt, just like back when I was younger.

I remember cuddling up under my blanket feeling too tired to even stand up. When my dad would notice I was sick he'd leave me home alone without a care, it was lonely. And my mom? She'd be too busy with her stupid friends to even notice I was sick.

My tiny younger self would have to wobble all the way to the kitchen to get myself something to eat, even if I felt like I was dying. I quickly grew used to it, I even felt more mature and smart for being able to take care of myself at such a young age. But its only now that I notice how bad it affeceted me.

I felt tears form up in my eyes as so many memories ran through my head. Why couldnt I've been taken care off? I just want someone to take care of me, is that so wrong? Why couldn't my parents simply pay attention to me? Is that all im worth?

I didn't notice that I was very loudly crying, but I also didnt notice everyone leaving. I let myself cry so I can let it out and go back to work but I felt myself slowly begin to regress. Just as I thought things couldn't get worst, Brett walked in on me.

I told Brett about my ageregression some days ago. I had gotten drunk and confessed it, thinking hed react badly so I was hoping to use that as an excuse to be reckles with myself but instead he hugged me. He just hugged me. We never talked about it again so I assumed he had forgotten but thats probably for the best.

"Raegan? Are you okay buddy?" Brett said as he walked up to me clearly worried.

I tried to say I was fine but I couldn't, i was using all my energy to stop myself from regressing.

"Are you...yk? Regressed?" He asked hesitantly.

And that just made me fully breakdown in tears. I wanted to just say yes so badly and hug him and let him take care of me like no one else had but he defimetly wouldnt want to to take care of me, why would he?

"I'll take that as a yes then" he sat next to me and just opened his arms for me. "Do you want a hug? Dont worry! I did research! I can take care of you Raegan..." Brett just stared at me with a warm welcoming smile, I couldnt help but hug him back.

I cried into his arms and just let myself regress and I slowly felt myself calm down as Brett gently petted my head.

"You feeling better buddy?" He asked and I just nodded in response.

"Why were you upset little one?"

"Sick" is all I could make myself say, and even just telling someone I was sick made more tears form in my eyes.

"Oh its okay! Dont worry! People get sick sometimes, its not your fault, ill take care of you so dont worry about it okay? You bff is on the mission!!" Brett said finishing with a giggle.

I smiled and held his hand as he walked me all the way to my car and drove me to his home.

I was confused at first on why he would take me here but he then pointed out the huge tree house.

"Be careful climbing the latter!" Brett yelled as I climbed up all by myself while Brett waited incase I slipped.

When we went inside it was all full of pretty bright colors and many stuffues and puppets. I hesitated to touch anything but as soon as Brett said I could play with anything I embraced all the stuffies.

Brett sat on the soft blanket on the floor as he watched me giggle looking around.

The happy moment was interupted with a terrible cough.

"Come here Rae Rae, I got you some medicine that will make you feel all better, but its going to make you feel sleepy okay?" Brett said as he took the scary looking medicine and poured it on the medicine cup.

"Not likes medicin" I said with a frown holding onto the stuffie that was now the victim to all my hugs.

"I know buddy, I hate medicine too, but you need to drink it so you can feel better."

As he said that I got a shooting pain through my head and decided to give in.

I made my way to the fort Brett had created and grabbed the medicine cup Brett was offering me.

Brett sat next to me and held my hand."You can do it Rae, ill be right here, take your time"

After some minutes of stalling I was able to force the bitter liquid down.

"GOOD JOB RAEGAN!! YOU DID AMAZING!! Im so proud."  he said as he hugged me close.

I was so happy at the compliments, I just giggled and kicked my feet.

I quickly felt my body grow heavy and the lingering feeling if sleepiness invaded my brain.

"You ready to take a nap now bud?"

I wanted to say no but I was way too tired and instead just layed down comfortably in the fort.

"Would you like me to read you a bedtime story?" Brett asked happily.

I nodded exited, I always wished someone had read me to sleep.

"But it wont be me!! It'll me little Brett!" As Brett finished his sentence he showed me the Brett puppet he had been hiding.

Brett took out a book and started to read along while he made the puppet move.

I felt really happy and calm, and slowly I drifted off to sleep.

Super long break
Super long update😎

I hope you guys enjoyyy♡♡♡

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