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Tw: mentions of food and a single censored curse word because I cant see Myc not cursing😭

Brett, Raegan and Andre all regress but the rest of the team support it, no questions asked.

No one's POV: 

Raegan decided to make a Christmas slumber party per Brett's request, after he found out no one had anything planned for Christmas. 

The table was filled with snacks and treats, and some hot chocolate ready to be enjoyed. There was comfy air mattreses all around the office so everyone could be comfy. And the screen was already with Netflix on.

Brett and Raegan waited for their bffs to show up and Brett was getting nervous that they wouldn't show up.

Shortly after, there was some faint knocks at the door.

Brett's POV:

I quickly rushed to the door, relieved that people did show up! And I was met with a tired looking Andre. "Hey bud! You doing all good? You seem tired!" I asked, worried ofcourse.

Andre looked at me a bit nervous wich was unusual. He didn't reply and instead just went inside and sat on one of the many blanket forts I made. I sat down next to him to make sure he was okay. "You feel sick?" I asked but I only got a nonverbal reply with Andre shaking his head.

"You feel okay?" I asked again and Andre nodded. I took a minute to think on what could be wrong but I remembered that Raegan gets nonverbal when she regresses, maybe it could be the same thing. But I doubt Andre regresses right?

I was still doubting my theory but i still wanted to help a buddy out! So I handed Andre some paper and crayons. "You can write if you dont feel like talking! Or draw! Whatever is fine!" I said hoping he takes it well.

Andre slowly proceded hapilly doodle on his paper drawing a big christmas tree with all of us.

I got exited and started drawing too and without noticing I had regressed too. " LOOKS! I DREW US TOO! WE SLIPING!" I said without thinking and Andre actually seemed happy.

"Is good" he said softly and sat closer to me while looking through my sticker book.

"You can use any!!" I say hapilly while Andre proceded to stick a bunch of stickers on my face.

Raegan's POV:

I watched the two regressed boys giggle with eachoter, I kinda want to join but my thoughts where interupted with a knock from the door. I completly forgot, the others dont really know about age regression, I dont want them to upset Brett and Andre so i go outside to explain the situation to them.

Andre's POV:

I was completly regressed by now but I was so happy. I didn't know Brett was like me! And he even told me Raegan is a regressor and caregiver as well! I was filling the whole office with stickers and Brett was my partner in the sticker crime.

After a bit I saw Raegan enter with everyone else, wich made me completly panic.

"Woah, hey- dont worry, they know" Raegan said in hopes to calm me down but i was still worried.

Myc came up to me holding a bunch of stuffed animals in each of his...hands?

"Man we dont care if you do this sh*t, as long as ur happy, who am I to judge? Pick a teddy come ooon" Myc said juggling the stuffies around.

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