Peter sells Grace

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Once upon a time, There lived a poor widow named Rosetta and her only son named Peter. They also had a cow named Grace. 

Peter was a giddy, thoughtless boy, but very kind-hearted and affectionate. 

There had been a hard winter and as a result of the harsh weather, the poor woman suffered a fever and cold. Peter being young, did not do any work and by degrees, they grew dreadfully poor.

One morning, Grace could no longer provide them with milk and they didn't know what to do. "What shall we do?" said the Rosetta, wringing her hands.

"Cheer up, Mother. I'll go and get work somewhere," said Peter trying to comfort his mother. "We've tried that before, and nobody would hire you," said his mother. 

Rosetta looked into the sick cow's eyes. "We must sell Grace and with the money start a shop, or something." said Rosetta.

"All right, Mother." said Peter. " Today I shall go to the Market and I'll soon sell Grace, and then we'll see what we can do." 

So he took the cow's halter in his hand, and off he went on his journey to the market.

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