The Great Giantness

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When he arrived there, he found a long broad road going as straight as a dart. Peter walked along, and he walked a great distance until he saw a huge castle. and on the doorstep, there was a giant woman.

"Good morning, Ma'am," Jack greeted the woman politely. "Could you be so kind as to give me some breakfast?" For he hadn't eaten anything the night before and was as hungry as a hunter.

"Breakfast, Huh?" said the giant woman. "You'll be Breakfast if you don't leave. My husband's a giant like me and there's nothing he likes better than boys broiled on toast. You'd better get out of here or he'll be coming." she told the boy.

"Oh! Please, Ma'am. Do give me something to eat." Peter begged the woman.

"I've had nothing to eat since yesterday morning, I'm not lying" said Peter. "I may as well be broiled as die of hunger." said Peter feeling hopeless.

The Giantness wasn't malicious as Peter initially thought. She took Peter into the kitchen, and gave him a hunk of bread and cheese and a jug of milk.

Peter couldn't finish his meal when he heard a "thumping" noise. It was the sound of Someone coming.

"Oh No! It's my husband," said the giant's wife. "What'd am I do? Come along quick and jump in here." said the giantness and she bundled Peter into the oven just as the giant came in.

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