Chapter four

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It was Halloween time again and school was already going well so far. The alarm was rang and there was a smoke bomb. The best way to start school off. I was dressed as a flapper girl. Wanted to be unique. In biology we were dissecting chocolate. "Is this foil? Or a razor blade?" Jamal asked while picking it up.

"Hmm, foil. It's to blunt and crumpled to be a razor blade." I said to him before the P.A. Went off.

"Jamal Turner. Jamal Turner. Please report to the office." He said to me and he grabbed his stuff.

"Hope everything's alright." I said to him and he left. I didn't even know what was happening. Once school was over I went to Ruby's with Monse. Jamal was already there.

"Ah! She dances on Soul Train. That's what choo choo means." Jamal said to us all and I had no idea what he was on about.

"Eighty-six the chitchat and focus. This is gonna be our best shut-in ever. But we have to follow protocol." Ruby said to us and we'd gone over this too many times.

"I can't believe we have to listen to this again." I said to him while looking at Monse.

"Dude, we know the drill." She said to him, we were all fed up of hearing it.

"This years different. It's not about our survival. It's about Olivia. There was magic in our first dance." Ruby said to us, we could say that about anyone.

"You guys we've been to Brentwood?" Jamal asked and I looked at him.

"Nope. Not once." I said before turning back to Ruby.

"My parents are out so I set up touch control LED lighting. Bordello red. And Nightmare on Elm Street is gonna get Olivia a little scared and a little lappy." Ruby said while sitting down and hitting his lap.

"You know that's creepy, right?" Monse asked him.

"Majorly creepy." I said to him.

"One step ahead of you both. Little cover in case of wood." Ruby said while pulling a blanket over his lap.

"Speaking of wood. Brentwood sounds kind of fun." Jamal said to us, maybe another time.

"Where's Oscar sitting?" Monse asked and I didn't even want to know what they'd do.

"In Oscar's Impala." Ruby said to us, that was good keep him away.

"He's not coming? Why? It's tradition." Monse said to us, she wasn't happy about that.

"Who cares? I have the perfect one to one P/V ratio." Ruby said to us and I looked at him.

"P/V ratio?" Monse asked us all.

"Do I even want to know?" I asked them both.

"Olivia and me. And Y/n and Jamal." Ruby said to us and I stared at him.

"Never say anything like that again, or you'll face the consequences." I said to him and Ruby gave me a look.

"Duly noted." Ruby said to us and the door opened.

"Shut-in!" Cesar shouted as he walked in. This was worse for me now.

"But I thought you were with Oscar." Ruby said to him in disbelief.

"Good to see you too." Cesar said to him.

"No, it's fine. It's just- - take a seat. Any seat. Not the love seat. And don't block my scented candle." Ruby said and Cesar sat next to me leaving a big gap between him and Monse, he then stacked pillows up in the middle of them.

"What do you think?" Olivia asked, she was dressed as a cowgirl.

"That looks nice." Ruby said to us before covering his lap with a pillow.

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