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Her little brother wouldn't stop hyperventilating; he was scared.

"Sota, you need to calm down. Tell me what happened," Kanae spoke as she put her hands on the small and thin shoulders of her little brother.

"I-I just saw something drag Kagome into the well..." Sota's eyes were teary; he was about to cry. Kanae didn't like the sight of her little brother in that state at all. Even so, Kanae continued with her calm demeanor. It would be of no use for both of them to panic.

"Okay, stay here and wait for Mom. I'll go investigate," she spoke as she got up from her kneeling position.


"Don't worry, Sota. I promise to be careful. Stay here," she gave her little brother a small smile in the middle of her words. She knew that a smile would not calm him, especially in a situation as critical as this, but it was the least she could do for him at the moment.

"...fine," Sota said, taking a few steps back without taking his eyes off her.

Kanae didn't say anything; she just turned around, heading toward where the well was. She was worried; she didn't know what happened to Kagome. But if someone was responsible for doing this to her little sister, she wouldn't forgive them.

When she entered the sanctuary, she first noticed the pieces of wood scattered around the place. The wooden cover that was responsible for covering the well was destroyed. Kanae carefully observed the position of the pieces of wood that had been smashed by a force that came from inside the well, in other words, something destroyed the lid of the well from the inside.

There were two more things to see.

First off, this couldn't be a teenager's joke. Teenagers of this time were usually of a small and thin build; even if they had some muscle, they would not have enough strength to destroy the cover of the well, due to the narrowness and depth of the well.

Unlike her, whose body had been trained to work in tight places, Kanae would have been able to destroy the well's cover with her sword and using the breath of flowers successfully, and still, the sword marks would have been noticeable.

And with this comes the second point; brute force destroyed the wooden cover. Which means it was a direct hit.

Kanae cautiously approached the well to investigate it; mentally she was a little regretting not bringing her sword with her. Despite being a thin sword and not having a prominent edge to cut a head, it fulfilled the function of a sword. She could hold her own with it.

When she was close enough to the well, she peeked in, hoping to see her sister inside. She expected to see Kagome at the bottom of the well, perhaps passed out from the shock of the fall, but to her surprise, she didn't see Kagome, just a rocky ground greeting her.

Kanae felt strange when she approached the well like this; it was a strange sensation, as if something was attracting her.

flowers  |  𝘒𝘕𝘠 𝘹 𝘐𝘕𝘜𝘠𝘈𝘚𝘏𝘈  | ENGWhere stories live. Discover now