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Kanae smiled sweetly as the kind old priestess offered her a small cup of tea made of clay.

"I'm surprised ye brought a demon crow to heal him," she said in surprise before pausing, then continued, "Ye and Kagome are truly sisters; ye both have kind hearts."


"Ha! Or both are too dumb-"

"Inuyasha... sit down boy!"

Kanae looked somewhat pityingly at Inuyasha as he crashed to the ground against his will. She almost felt bad for him, almost...

Kaede sighed wearily. "Ye two never stop fighting, guys."


"And then that guy turned into a giant dog and tried to eat Inuyasha and..."

After Inuyasha stormed out of the cabin angrily at being thrown to the ground by the spell on his neck, Kagome —as enthusiastic as she is— began to tell Kanae about her most recent fling she'd had.

"That guy tried to attack me, but Inuyasha counter-attacked so hard, I think the guy lost an arm!"

"And are they brothers?"

"Yes, although they hate each other a lot"

"That's a sad case, no doubt," Kaede muttered.

Kanae tilted her head a bit, confused at the strange encounter her sister had with the guy who called himself Inuyasha's older brother. Without a doubt, she would take into account the existence of that demon.

Although something deep inside of her felt somewhat curious to know what that demon looked like—will he have ears like Inuyasha or maybe a dog's tail? Kanae didn't know exactly, but she could imagine the appearance of that guy.

"And what else happened?", she inquired curiously.

"Oh, he tried to kill me when I accidentally pulled out Inuyasha's sword!", her little sister exclaimed, then added. "Though I did threaten him later that you'd kick his ass for hurting me..." Kagome added, embarrassed this time.

Kanae felt her heart stop for a second at her sister's words, "Did you do what...?"


She sat up as she watched Inuyasha roughly wield the old sword that was in his hands.

Her curiosity gnawed at her: 'Is that the sword that Inuyasha and his brother were fighting over?' Although, if her previous life has taught her anything, it's not to underestimate weapons, no matter what they look like... especially if they're demonic weapons.

A sharp prick to her neck made her flinch in surprise.

'What...?', was what she thought before gently patting the place where she felt the sting.
Pleasant was her surprise when she saw what was in her hand, 'Is that... an old man?'

"Owww-!" the strange and tiny creature groaned as it slowly floated to the ground in a comical way until it returned to its... normal state?




Sesshomaru growled, ignoring Jaken's annoyed squeal as he stepped on top of him, 'It must be someone just as weak as the woman who was with Inuyasha today'.

It was the only and last thing he thought as he entered the dense forest to heal his wounds, ignoring the curiosity he felt this afternoon at the mention of that stranger.


///Secrets of the Sengoku Period///

- myoga could not resist not drinking the blood of such a beautiful woman


For now Sesshomaru -who is the one who has asked me the most- is only curious about this person who has been mentioned to him, but that is as far as his thoughts of Kanae go.

..maybe his thoughts will change, maybe 😳

I can't say anything guys that would be spoilers haha

Also, I saw your messages about who you want to be the love interest for our pretty Hashira and uhh- I'll see what I can do, haha
for now there are three candidates plus the one I had planned

we'll see what comes out...


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