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New Beginning

New Beginning

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Place: London

Time: 10:00 am

Water falling from the sky. It was freshening everyone. The climate was cool and pleasant. A girl is sitting on top of her luggage in front of Heathrow Airport waiting for someone.

Oops! Let me introduce myself. Umm...Myself Amiera Adams. Actually I have a lot to tell about myself.

I know you guys are having a lot of questions on your mind. So let me explain everything to you from the beginning.

       I used to live in the UK with my mom and dad. But they got divorced when I was 7. Maybe they weren't made for each other. Or maybe he wasn't my mom's "THE ONE" . Later my mom found Kevin, they fell in love and they got married when I was 13. Kevin was an Engineer in London at that time. And right now he is working in UK with my mom. He is really understanding and caring. I never called him "Dad" but he does everything for me. I was happy watching my mom moving on with her real "THE ONE" . I am sure I will also meet my "THE ONE" someday.

    Like everyone else, I never had an ambition to become something for myself. But I want to become an Architect as per my Dad's wish. I am not talking about Kevin. Right now I am talking about my biological father. I thought he loved me even though I slowly realized he didn't. He left me behind. I waited for him for long. But he never came back. First I thought of finding him, it's then I found my mom happy without him. I don't want anyone to become a hindrance for her happiness. It's then I thought of leaving him behind just like how he did. He was never bothered about me. It was easy for him to find me. But he didn't.

    So coming back to the point. I want to become an Architect. Kevin said that London was the best for Architectural studies. But he said I should stay at London leaving my homeland. My mom permitted me to study here as she wanted me to be independent. I said a 'Double yes'. Because I wanted them to lead their life. I don't want to be the barrier in their relationship. And that's why I am here, In London. Kevin said that he had already arranged an apartment as well as my university admission. Once I get the pace I will try for a part time job. I should learn to live my life by myself. But Kevin said not to look for a part time job and to concentrate only on my studies. The most important part is -"I hate studying".

    Kevin said that as soon as I reach the airport I will find someone named 'Dante' waiting for me with a white car. I can only see white cars around me. I think I should call Kevin. Because I have been sitting here for the past 15 minutes. And no one came.

I took my phone and dialed Kevin's number. His voice was heard.

"Hey! All good? How was the flight?" He asked.

"All good. Actually, Can you tell me where the apartment is? " I asked.

"What happened? Give the phone to Dante." His voice showed the disappointment.

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