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It's not fair

Dante left me alone at home after having dinner together

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Dante left me alone at home after having dinner together. I took my phone and as expected it was Ethan who texted me. So Dante saw the notification. Which means he wants me to stay away from Ethan. Which is literally impossible and I am not going to let it happen. wait! Did he call Ethan- 'a distraction' ?

A: You there?

E: Yah. Are you alright?

A: Yeah. I am alright. Actually I should suggest you to sit tight because I have a lot of things to tell you.

E: I am listening. Feel free to text.

A: Do you remember me telling about Kevin trying to find a good architecture institution for me? Actually he found one in London and he wanted me to shift to London. So I just thought of shifting. Because I thought it would be cool to study in a different environment. I took a flight to London. And it's my 2nd day in London. Don't worry, Kevin already arranged a friend for me. Lol. His name is Dante. Actually Kevin knows his dad. So that's how I got Dante. And I think he is kind of a playboy type guy. He tried to flirt with me. But you know how I am right? I am playing so rude. I won't show my fear. I am being rude so that he won't get into my life.. and I got a not so good apartment. But it's fine as I am going to shift to my real apartment in 2-3 weeks. And...today I was at the verge of getting lost. But luckily Dante found me. To be very frank, I am not getting used to having a guy friend. Maybe it will take some time. Are every boy clingy? Ooops you are a boy too. Leave it. And the important part is that I am having my entrance exam for the university. It's after 2 weeks. Omg! Is this a lot for you to handle? Oops! sorry for the delay.

E: So you are right now in London? Wow. Did Kevin just let you go? So you are not restricted anymore? That's good. Are you living with a playboy? Are you feeling alright staying with a boy? Is he annoying you? If yes. Feel free to tell me or Kevin. Okay? London is a very good spot to get lost. So make sure that you don't roam around. If you are feeling bored sitting at your apartment, use Google maps to travel. Is that clear? And make sure that you carry something like pepper spray or a safety knife. I am not scaring you. But it's just a self defense mechanism. Not a big deal. And I am not a boy. I am a Man. Lol. You will get used to it soon. I guess. Exams are very important. So you should study well and hard. Okay? And make sure you take care of yourself in between.

A: Yah. In London. And Kevin was fine letting me go. Awh.. my minion is too protective. How about carrying a gun? Oops... sorry I called you a boy. I will be fine. You should take care of yourself too. I will study hard.

E: London...It's a great place. You know...there are alot of places to visit, long calm nights, great libraries, big gardens with parks. It's totally awesome. And don't overthink. You are going to be fine. Calm down.

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