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Leona Di Rossi

Monday, April 9th, 2029: 6:45 a.m.

Six years later...

"Zucchero!" I exclaimed, from the bottom of the stairs.

"Ouuu, daddy in trouble." Luci instigated, tooting her lips up.

"Leon, stop running in my house." I said, looking at him in his wolf form.

"Ah ha!" Lennox said, sticking his tongue out at his brother.

"So your father can't hear me?" I asked, looking at the kids.

"LEONARDO DI ROSSI!!" I screamed, then I heard foot steps coming down the long staircase.

"Yes baby?" He asked, looking at me with pout.

"Were you sleeping?" I asked, then he nodded and walked towards me then he wrapped his arms around me and rested his head in the crook of my neck.

"Yes, is everything ok?" He husked, inside of my ear causing my heart to melt.

"Yes, I was just calling you down for breakfast baby. I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep." I said, then his head shot up.

"Breakfast? Don't apologize, where's the food?" He asked, rubbing his hands together.

"Greedy." Luci whispered, causing me to laugh.

"Not too much principessa, and good morning give daddy some love." He said, then Luci ran over to him and jumped in his arms then he started kissing all over her face.

"Good morning daddy!" She exclaimed, through her laughs then he put her down.

"Come here pups! Good morning, my loves." He said, then the boys ran over.

"Grrr!" Leon let out, while wagging his tail causing me to cheese then Leonardo ass shifted.

3..2...annnnd 1!

"GRRRRRRR!" Leonardo growled back, causing some of the pictures on the wall to shake as well as some of the dishes in the kitchen.

"Alright, shift back. Both of you." I said, then they both looked at me with a pout.

I swear seeing them side by side in their wolf form was the cutest thing in history. Leon was definitely a little Leonardo with the green eyes and the midnight black fur and sharp cut eyes.

"Come on kids, let's go eat breakfast with mommy." Leonardo said, getting up from the ground then his little demon spawns followed behind him.

"Levy, I hope you're not a traitor and stay a mommy's girl." I said, while looking down at my three-month belly then I began caressing my stomach as I walked into the kitchen.

Yes, I'm pregnant with our last and final baby. I swear it's the last one because baby I'm not pushing out anymore little Leonardo's. I love my kids to death and I would do anything for them which is why we've decided to stop at four.

"Sit, Tesorino. I'll fix the plates." Leo said, while washing his hand then I nodded and took a seat at the table with the kids.

"Mommy, how did Levy get inside of your belly?" Lennox asked, causing me to bust into a coughing fit.

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