Forgetfulness Wastes His Bologna And Cheese Sandwich

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Forgetfulness: I'm starving.

Charlotte: I made you a bologna and cheese sandwich.

Forgetfulness: Okay. *takes a bite and throws the rest away*

Charlotte: F, you said you were hungry! Why did you just take one bite, and throw it away?

Forgetfulness: You know I hate mayo!

Charlotte: I'm not a mind reader, F! Next time, say something! I'm gonna make you another sandwich, without mayo! You better not waste it again!

Forgetfulness: Uh huh.

Charlotte: *gets two loaves of bread, puts Oscar Myer bologna on it and the deli cheese from Stop and Shop* Here! You're welcome!

Forgetfulness: *eats his sandwich without thanking Charlotte*

This story was written on Wednesday, December 21st, 2022.

A/N F, you're starting to be like Steven now! Quit wasting food like that! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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