new guy.

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Leo was 15 when they apocalypse broke out, not long after the start his dad died -got eaten by walkers right in front of him- the teen was by himself for little after that but met with a decent group of people. They provided him with shelter, food and safety; so he didn't complain.

Everyone got together as if they had known each other their full lives, sure some of them did but most of them were just pieced together in hopes to survive the fast downfall of the world.

No one was Leo's age so he kinda just hopped around talking to everyone, there were two kids a few years younger than him; Sophia and Carl. Sophia was quiet, always staying by her mom's side, away from her dad when she could. Leo had tried to talk to her, they got on pretty well but never really went out of their way to talk to one another. But Leo always kept a eye on her, she would show up with bruises some mornings- her mom too, and everyone knew it was from Ed, her dad.

He liked talking and playing with Carl though, and running around like there was nothing to worry about. Carl came up to Leo a lot asking to race, or play tag or whatever it was that day and Leo didn't mind at all; it was nice getting to feel like a kid. It was just Carl and his mom, the kid he told Leo how his dad was a cop and got shot in action just before all shit hit the fan.

Camp did have its downsides. Merle Dixon being one of them, he was pretty much just an all around shitty guy. Some people didn't like Daryl either -Merle's younger brother- but he had told his brother to shut up many times when he got out of order, so they didn't mind him.

Shane Walsh, with him previously being a cop, he kinda run the camp -alongside Dale, an old fisherman; at least that's what Leo had guessed he used to be- Shane kept everyone in check, made sure all the days chores had been done and that they were safe. He was good at it and the rest of them were just happy to have someone take charge.

Said 'base camp' sat atop a cliff, the steep edge descending straight into a quarry. The quarry was really useful to them, it sourced them with water and occasional food but also meant that side of camp couldn't be attacked from. The campfires and camper-van were just in away from the edge in a small open space of land. Where the trees started to come together is where everyone had their tents set up; Leo slept in his own tent.

Right now, however, Leo had taken a spot on a log next to a burnt out campfire as he ate his way through a -not so nice- tin of beans.

"Hey" Leo jumped a little at the voice and looked to his right to see Carol sitting down.


"How you doing?"

Leo nodded, "Alright. Hungry" he held up the beans with a small smile, "not the best food I've had"

Carol smiled too, "I love beans" the teen raised his brow, "Really, I do. I'm quite happy to have them most days" she chuckled at the incredulous look Leo sent her way but another voice broke their moment.

"Carol, what are you doing?" it was Ed, Carol's husband.

"Nothing, Ed. Just having a break"

"Yeah, well I think you need to be getting back to work" he ordered so she stood up and went back to whatever she was doing.

Leo glared at the man, he hated him. His dad was like that -beat on his kid- and Leo hated seeing anyone go through what he had to, he knew how it felt to have someone that is supposed to love you harm you like that.

"You need to relax" Jacqui came to sit by the teen who removed his glaring gaze from Ed to a softer one at the woman.

Jacqui was nice, Leo found himself laughing at her jokes a lot and she always was able to cheer people up. But she didn't get involved when she didn't need to be, Leo had only had a few one-on-one conversations with her.

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