little sophia.

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Leo and Daryl went over to the stables. Daryl reluctantly let Leo come out on a search with him. He was arguing about the kid staying where it was safe but Leo followed after him anyway.

Leo was petting the horse they were going to take as Daryl brought over a saddle, the man swung it onto the stand with a grunt. The teen turned around quite startled at the loud thump it made, "Woah, take it easy man"

Carol walked through the large doorway, "You can't" she objected. The guys looked her way, Leo suddenly wished he'd have stayed at camp now- he could tell this was going to be very awkward by Carol's firm expression.

"I'm fine"

"Hershel said you need to heal"

"Yeah, I don't care" he started to get the horse ready anyway, Leo slowly moving to help him and trying to stay out the crossfire.

"Well, I do" Carol told him softly, "Rick's going out later to follow the trail"

As Carol moved a step closer, Leo chose to go off to another horse. He stood off to the side, petting the horse contently, letting the adults talk.

"Yeah well, I ain't gonna sit around and do nothing"

"No, you're gonna go out there and get yourself hurt even worse, Leo too" Daryl didn't answer, deciding the wooden gate was more interesting at the moment, "We don't know if we're gonna find her, Daryl. We don't... I don't"

Daryl bunked to himself and slowly stepped back out of the horses pen, Leo watched carefully, "What?"

"I can't lose you too" Carols whispered, Daryl tilted his head as he looked at her, emotion barren from his face until a scowl appeared.

He spun around and chucked the saddle to the floor, doubling over and clutching his side. Carol rushed over too him with cautioning hands, "Are you alright?"

Daryl shoved her off, hinting in pain as he stood up and stumbled away from her, "Just leave me be! Stupid bitch"

Leo took a small glance to Carol but didn't say anything as he walked out to follow after Daryl.


Leo was sitting with Carl on the porch of the farm house and watched Andrea and
T-dog walk over, "Do you know what's going on?"

"Where is everyone?"

Glenn studied them before frowning, "You haven't see Rick?"

"He went off with Hershel. We were supposed to leave a couple hours ago" Andrea told him

"Yeah you were" they looked over at Daryl and Carol, "What the hell? Isn't anyone taking this seriously? We got us a damn trail!" Daryl seen Shane walking over holding a bunch of guns, "Oh, here we go. Whats all this?"

"You with me, man? Time to grow up" he told the rest of the group, people starting going over to pick a gun of choice. Leo stood up and walked over as well, peering into the duffle, "You gonna actually hit something this time?" Shane commented.

The teen glared at him and stood himself up taller, "Shut up and give me a damn gun" Shane shrugged with a nod and handed him a revolver.

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