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Kimberly's POV

Another bright morning. I could hear Bryant screaming from the living room, unsure of who he was arguing with. Whoever it was, the person got on his wrong side this morning. He sounded so upset for a six year old. I rolled out of bed and grabbed my phone. I was so glad we were on holidays because I was sure I could never make it to class. My phone beeped

Nicholas: good morning princess, hope you had a nice night.

I smiled. I should do a quick recap on things around here but I think you would be just fine without it.

Me: good morning, I just woke up. How was your night?

He replied immediately.

Nicholas: I had a nice night. My parents are out already
Me: at least you get to see them more than I get to see my dad
Nicholas: hey, I can come over if you want me to
Me: nah, it's alright. I just have to handle this on my own. I would see you later in the day
Nicholas: are you sure?

I knew he was worried about me but I was fine. We've got the person who killed Mom. I still had to clear out her office and I have pushed that assignment so much but I guess I was going to have to do it, sooner or later. I tossed my phone without replying Nicholas. I got out of bed and had a shower before heading down to the living room. I saw Jayden and Bryant there

Jayden: no! You can't have chocolate cake for breakfast
Bryant: you can't tell me what to do!

He yelled back. I decided not to interfere in whatever's was going on with the both of them. I wasn't even interested in finding out why they were arguing. I was going to slip away into the kitchen when Jayden saw me and called my name

Jayden: Kimberly!
Me: hey, morning. What's going on?

I said, pretending to be unaware of whatever they were arguing about

Jayden: tell Bryant he can't have chocolate cake for breakfast
Bryant: I can!
Me: can you just stop yelling at each other? The both of you

I screamed at them

Me: Bryant, listen to Jayden. It's pancakes for breakfast. You can have chocolate cake immediately after pancakes

I said to him

Bryant: alright

He said as he turned away from me and headed back to the living room

Jayden: how did you do that?
Me: do what?
Jayden: you just stood him no and he obeyed. I have been screaming it to him and all he did was argue back
Me: he is a kid. You don't tell him what he can't do, instead tell him what he can do and then do after. It is that simple
Jayden: that doesn't make any sense to me
Me: it doesn't have to make sense. It just has to work and it does. You should start to get this things together. I wouldn't be around for much longer.
Jayden: you're still planning on getting your own place?
Me: I can't stay here forever

I said to him. That was not the real reason why I was planning on moving out of the house but let's not get into that right now. We have a lot to catch up on

Jayden: I don't see why you can't stay here until you finish up with college or till you get married or something. Dad barely comes home and the house is in your name so it's literally your house
Me: the house is in our name, not just mine and I don't think staying here or moving out would make much of a difference
Jayden: what are you talking about? It is a big difference!
Me: can we not talk about it?
Barry: talk about what?

He asked, walking into the living room, all dressed up like he was going somewhere

Me: and where are you going to?
Barry: Nicholas' actually. We have somethings to talk about and we would probably grab lunch together before heading back here.
Me: you're going to hang out with Nicholas? He didn't tell me
Barry: he doesn't need to tell you everything, c'mon. I have to go, my ride is waiting outside.

He said as he headed for the door before disappearing. I slapped my forehead with my palm and headed into the kitchen. There was no breakfast. I guess the cooking was on me now. After our experience with Chloe, I didn't want to hire another chef. I did most of the cooking these days and it was really stressful. Dad wanted us to hire another chef because he believed the whole Chloe and Harvard drama was over but what if it wasn't? I could barely sleep at night but nobody knew of this struggle. After I made breakfast, I ate and headed back to my room. My phone rang and I looked at it. Ryan

Me: hey, what's going on?
Ryan: kat and I are in the area and we thought it would be nice to drop by for a couple of hours, is that okay with you?
Me: of course, although I'm like super sleepy right now but that has never affected any of you, has it?
Ryan: exactly. We'd be there in a minute

He said and he hung up. I rolled my eyes. Here goes nothing. I heard the doorbell ring and in minutes, they were in my room. Kat was on the bed beside me, trying to stick her head in front of my laptop.

Me: can you stop that?
Kat: not really. What are you working on?
Me: just an article. I'm stuck on it though. I have to find something to write about between now and tomorrow morning. Can you pass me my phone?

I asked Kat and she stood up

Ryan: let's order a pizza. Nick and Barry are on their way down here already
Kat: cool, let's call Daniella so we can be complete again
Me: I'm not down for that
Kat: I really didn't ask

She said and I looked up at her. She smiled at me before picking up my phone.

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