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It was almost dinner time when she woke up and she only woke up because I was leaving and I was beside her.

Kim: leaving already?

She asked

Me: yeah, mom is home and she has called twice, asking for Hailey
Kim: Hailey is around? I didn't know
Me: you were too tired and I didn't want her disturbing you while you slept. It's actually fine. Tomorrow is Wednesday. I don't think I can come over tomorrow though. I have some stuffs to take care off. I would see you in Thursday or on Friday

I said

Kim: Nick, are we good?

She asked me

Me: yeah, sure we are. Why would you ask that?
Kim: Nothing. I just feel like your attitude was a little but cold. You want me to see you off?

She asked

Me: I stay down the street. I think I would be fine. Just take care if yourself and get some rest. I can handle myself
Kim: alright then. I'll call you before I head to bed again

I kissed her forehead before heading out of her room. That was how life was with her and I was getting less and less of my girlfriend every day but I was trying to adjust to it, hoping things would change with time. He got home and decided to head to bed since that was all he could do.


The field was busy and the cheerleaders were at it again. She turned to look at me and I winked at her. Carol saw this and she rolled her eyes. I could not get comfortable with the way Zayn kept staring at her. The cheerleading outfit has always been revealing and Kimberly was one confident girl. She didn't care about people's opinions about her. After the entire case, it took her a while to get back on her feet but she did eventually. She was bolder than she was before and it was nice. Daniella already transfered to our school so we hand the complete gang in the school now. She walked up to me for her water bottle and I kissed her on the lips

Me: hey baby, you look amazing
Kim: thanks. I'm getting stressed out though. How have you been?
Me: I don't know. Coach cancelled practice today so we are free for the rest of the day until theater arts
Kim: lucky you. Yolanda keeps pushing us due to the upcoming state awards. It can get pretty tiring if you're doing most of the stunts

She said

Yolanda: Kimberly!!!!
Kim: I guess I have to go

She said. She turned around and I grabbed her hand, pulling her to me. I kissed her with my hand in her ass, squeezing it before letting her go

Me: stay safe baby girl

I said to her and watched her cheeks grow red. She handed me her water bottle before jogging back to Yolanda.

Ryan: was that necessary?

He asked me

Me: nah,not really. It wasn't but with the way Zayn has been staring at her, I figured that it was only proper to define my territory

I said to him

Ryan: oh, that makes perfect sense. I don't know why he keeps hitting on her. I thought that after the last party, he would stay off her for a while but I was wrong
Me: I just keep waiting for him to cross his line with her. Kin doesn't want me to take up the case but I would be left with no option


I walked back to Yolanda

Me: sorry
Yolanda: you and nick keep acting like you are the only couple in town. It makes all of us envious
Carol: the fact that you left the group to make out with someone tells a lot about your commitment
Me: says someone who is single to stupor

I said with disgust. Ever since we got back to school, Carol has been finding different ways to get on my nerves but I have decided not to give her that pleasure because she doesn't deserve to see me mad

Yolanda: alright girls, fall in place.

She said and they went over their stunts a couple more times before Yolanda gave them a break. All of them fell on the grass at the same time before bursting out into laughter. Yolanda looked at all of us before sitting on the grass

Yolanda: we only have a few more weeks before the main competition. I am sore I'm pushing you too hard but we haven't had a single win in a long while so I just want us to get this one
Me: c'mon. The work load is on just a two of us. That is not everybody
Yolanda: that is because only two people can move to the finals, if we make it to the finals
Me: yeah right
Kat: c'mon, Kim. It shouldn't be that hard.
Me: yes it is. We never make it to the finals. It us just depressing to get to top three just to loose to green springs again
Kat: this is east high. We would win
Me: that is the same positivity we went ahead with the first time. I'm just saying that we shouldn't get our hopes up
Carol: stop being a sadistic bitch, Kimberly. If you don't want to go ahead, you can drop your position for someone else that is willing to go
Me: call me a bitch one more time and I would show you what a bitch really means
Yolanda: Carol, apologize to Kim
Me: she can choke on it. I wish Tracy was here
Yolanda: you would see her at the state competition. She wouldn't be on our side and if she is not on our side, she is against us
Me: she is not our enemy. Tracy and I are friends
Carol: she has won the cup three times now. That makes her our enemy
Me: can you send her off now? I am really tired of listening to her bullshit

I said to Yolanda

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