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I saw Barry on my way down

Barry: leaving already?
Me: I have to. I have a lot of things to do and Kim is not herself so I am thinking of giving her some space till she figures it out
Barry: hold on. Till she figures it out? I thought you were supposed to figure it out together. Isn't that what a relationship is about? Not having to do things alone?
Me: you know how she is. She thinks she can get it done by herself and I am not going to discourage her or even try to stop her. If she wants to get it done by herself, then she can go right ahead

I said as I headed for the door and left. I knew I was being unreasonable but I just wanted space this time. I got home and dropped on my bed, after laying there for a whole, I stared to feel restless so I called Ryan and asked if he wanted to hang out. He said he was pretty busy and he wasn't going to be free until it was past five. I guess it's just me now. I headed down to the living room and saw Hailey there. She turned immediately I entered and ran to me

Me: hey baby. How have you been?

My mom spoke from the kitchen

Mom: hey. I didn't know you were back in. How is Kim?
Me: how did you know that I went to kim's?
Mom: where else would you go? You literally don't go out except you're going to Kim's
Me: that is not true
Mom: If that is what you want to tell yourself, then go ahead
Me: whatever. What's for dinner?

I asked, dropping Hailey and walking into the kitchen

Mom: Hailey said pasta and meatballs
Me: we can't keep eating what Hailey wants, Mom! She is just what? Three and she dictates what we should eat? What kind of thing is that?
Mom: you are going to get your sister really mad at you if you don't keep your voice down
Hailey: Nick?

She called as she walked into the kitchen. She walked past him and walked to the refrigerator

Hailey: Nick?
Mom: she needs your help in getting another juice box. I already told her no but she wouldn't quit
Me: that's why she has an elder brother

I said as I opened the refrigerator and got one for her. She smiled at me as I opened it.

Me: do you have an idea about when dad would come back?
Mom: I don't know. I'm hoping he would come home next weekend. He has been away for weeks.
Me: yeah. He never has time for his family
Mom: your father has a duty to protect his citizens first
Me: and his family? We didn't ask him to be the secretary of states. We need him too!
Mom: I know baby. I know but the state needs him too.
Me: then the state better become his family

I said as I sat on the dining table. My mom looked at me

Mom: are you going to talk about what exactly is wrong with you?
Me: nothing is wrong with me mom. I am just tired of him being away and acting like it's all fine. It is not okay, mom! How much effect does this have on Hailey? Mom, we don't even know how she feels because she is just a kid. She is four already!
Mom: that is why she has you, baby. Nicholas. She loves you like she loves her dad. To her, you're her dad. Your dad would come around eventually.
Me: yeah, whatever. I'm going for a ride. Don't wait up for me

I said as I walked out with my keys. I heard her sigh. I knew I was getting to her but I was really stressed now. I didn't want to ruin anything I had with Kimberly but she was starting to become someone I couldn't recognize and I was starting to fall out of love with her. How could I tell her that she was different and it was affecting us now? There was no way that was going to happen. She was going to get hurt eventually but it was better than staying with her and lying to her. I had to do what had to be done regardless. There was no one else but she was different and I wasn't adjusting to her difference. When I got home, I slept off. Weeks had passed and Kim and I had broken up over the past few months. I had not seen from her or heard from her in weeks until now. She walked into the class and sat with Kat. She looked like she had not been sleeping well and she had been crying but that wasn't my fault. It wasn't supposed to last forever. We had the first few classes and it looked like she had lost weight. Why was I so bothered about the fact that she had lost weight? She was bone of my business, not anymore. She didn't even want to be my friend and I had to respect that decision. A new guy walked into the class when Kat stood up and he took his seat beside her


I turned and saw him. He didn't look familiar.

Me: that seat is already taken
Yale: I don't see anyone here. Hi, I'm new here
Me: nice to meet you, new here. I am not in the mood for a conversation
Yale: I wasn't interested in having one with you either. I am just here for the seat
Me: good so sit down and don't say a word to me
Yale: that us very rude but I understand
Me: understand what?

I asked, looking up from my book.

Yale: finally got your attention. My name is Yale
Me: I used to have a friend with that name
Yale: used to? What happened to him? Did you guys fall off?
Me: no. I ripped out his heart and ate it while it was still warm

I said and I could tell by the look on his face that he wasn't himself anymore

Me: just kidding

I said and went back to my book

ILLUSIONS II Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora